Awakened wrote:How was it?
Work stuff came up and I left a couple days earlier than expected (still away from home now), figured it'd be better to wait until there are no pressing responsibilities.. as I'll be home only a few days for xmas and then off to the Netherlands for some weeks, the ayahuasca experiment will have to wait until 2012.. probably late January.
In a way I'm pleased - even though extremely curious about it, I can see that having decided to wait is a better choice than keeping the experience bound to a flawed schedule; I think this (aya experience) deserves my full attention. I'm pleased because having to wait doesn't bother me anymore (it would have, a couple years ago.. not talking about just aya:wink

So yeah.. at the moment I don't have anything else to add, except to let you know that I appreciate your follow up on this. I'll be sure to update the thread when the time comes

DMTripper wrote:If you're going to do this for the first time and solo then please start low.
Trying psychedelics out for the first time on your own is not the best idea. But if you can't in any way find someone to be your sitter then be cautious and start low. I talk from experience. BAD experience that could have gone even worse.
And I was quite experienced when disaster struck!
It'll most likely be alone, yeah. Sadly I don't know anyone in this country who's into this stuff, thus figured it'd be better to fly solo than have someone there who has no clue.
1st time on acid was alone and pretty terrifying (for 2 hours, when the effects began), at some point I almost called some family members - I'm so glad I didn't, because no one would have understood the state I was in

I reckon that Aya/DMT is a whole different experience (hard as that is to conceive, having had several acid experiences but no DMT track record yet) and I have preparated accordingly; read the books, saw the documentaries, did the research, and joined a forum of like-minded souls

And just like acid I guess none of it will be enough to prepare for the onslaught

, but still I think it's wise to try and prepare as much as possible, have clear intentions, know a bit about the history of the substance, etc etc
This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.