Hello to all! I'm very excited about what has been happening in my life over the past few months, and the dmt nexus is a wonderful hub in which I can plug into and discuss topics with rational, open-minded, and enlightened members. My reason for joining is due to my newly found fascination and curiosity with dmt. I first became aware of dmt a year ago after having watched a movie called
Enter The Void. While I have had plenty of experience with cannabis and have tried salvia(Blahh!) and HBWR seeds a few times, I never would have thought that I would have had the chance to experience dmt. But about a month ago after having watched "DMT: The spirit molecule" I got the oppertuinity to try dmt from a friend
OMFG!!! I then watched some youtube and did some google searches on dmt, and then landed here on the dmt-nexus. As of today I learned the basics of a STB and have extracted a total of about 600-700mg
Very excited to start participating in discussion!