I very much understand your worries majesticnature. I'm not sure any property sale is garuanteed to be legit.
Who knows they might be selling land of which 2/3ds is swamp, on which it is hard to build solid buildings.
Perhaps the soil is badly poluted by industries that owned that property before. You never know.
Like any commercial product, land/properties too are probably presented to appear alot better than they really are.
As far as I´m concerned I don´t mind if the community ends up in Brazil, Portugal, Peru or elsewhere.
The only nececities are (sub)Tropical climate, Relatively free & stable in terms of civil liberty & Natural enviroment.
Be it a Brazilian island in a river, a patch of land on the shores of a Portugese mountain lake or a Peruvian
Fish Farm, these 3 needs I mentioned are most important. If I understood correctly Peru, Brazil & Portugal
are the only 3 countries who veered away from the destructive course of the War on Drugs and set sail into
a more liberated, more civilised direction. So the political climate of these countries are most favourable
for a community like ours.
Hawaii indeed is a beautyfull enviroment for this too, but it, being a state of the US, doesn't have the
ideal socio-political climate for our ideals to thrive in. Entheogenic communities in US territory seem
likely to become victims of DEA raids, lawsuits and a quick end to our community lives. I also heard that
living off-grid, self-sustainably is being treated more and more like a serious crime, complete with
SWAT-team raids, Lawsuits and Evictions. Doesn't seem too friendly a nation for our kind of community
so I personally would advise against Hawaii, despite it's beautyfull natural enviroments.
20 ppl each saving 10 grand might indeed still be too arduous a task. But the island I mentioned is 81.5 acres.
Such an island could easily house 30 to 40 people and there would still be plenty of nature around our settlement.
I just calculated it and the islands price, $209500,- split equally amongst
30 ppl would require each of these 30 ppl
to individually contribute only
$7000,- .
40 ppl were to split costs and join the community it would only require each individual to make a contribution of
$5237,-Then we would need additional money for the construction of our houses.
This could be properly done REALLY cheap, by building with sandbags and sand.
Check this out:
http://calearth.org/shop...led-Superadobe-bag-rollsThe maximum size sandbag-roll is 1750 yards & costs $1365,-. I don't know if you could build a
2 to 4 person-residence with shorter, cheaper rolls so I'm just going to assume the maximum size & price.
Going on this assumption, the material needed to build each individual's house would require all 30
ppl to contribute another $1365,-. That would total roughly $8365,- per person.
In the 40 ppl scenario that would total $6605,- per person.
I have a quite low income but I can easily, with a little patience & discipline, save that kind of money in not all too
long a timespan.
There will be more costs for things like watertight coatings for our houses, sanitation, electric generators, cables..etc
but we can save up the money for that over time, while working on the first stages of building. We would continue to live
where we live & keep saving as much money from our incomes as possible while in shifts we visit our property to build buildings and
install equipment(generators, Waterpumps & filtration/cleaning systems, airconditioning/heating, lighting, sockets) and underground
cable-(electricity) & pipe-networks(tapwater & sewage) untill basic nececities are all installed and it's possible to actually
migrate and start living permanently in the community.