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The Difference between Female & Male Experiences... Options
#1 Posted : 12/15/2011 6:11:56 PM

Dawn Rising

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I am new to this forum and a bit of a newbie to DMT.
Am wondering if there are many / any female journeyers here and if I may ask about your experiences.

My boyfriend and I recently made some together, ceremonially, and since completion we have been taking it together (one at a time and at the same time), with some very interesting results.

Firstly, I am struck at how differently we have responded - he relaxed, up and out, whereas I have been completely in the physical / energy body - even during complete ego death and breakthrough!

I am also wondering if anyone has had any 'healing' experiences - again I have an interesting story to tell in that respect too.

Furthermore, we are discovering just how powerful it is with sexual / creative energy when taken as a couple. Any advice on Kundalini rising on DMT?

Many thanks for any info


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#2 Posted : 12/15/2011 6:41:52 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I don't think it varies so much from male to female as much as it varies from person to person.
#3 Posted : 12/15/2011 8:24:47 PM

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actualfactual wrote:
I don't think it varies so much from male to female as much as it varies from person to person.

I second that.
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#4 Posted : 12/15/2011 8:32:26 PM


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#5 Posted : 12/15/2011 10:16:40 PM

Monster Entity Mom

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I'll speculate. My guess is theres huge difference. I mean theres big difference in our experiences in the real world, right? I went to a job interview last week where the guy seemed to think my head was below my neck and not above. My ex called me all kinds of things from slut to b***h. Most of them animal names. I don't remember this happening to guys I know. Yet,I've gotten special treatment for being female-thats the other side of this.

Seems like we dont get treated the same in reality. I remember hearing our brains are different to. So I bet hyperspace is different. My ex always saw beautiful women he wanted to f**k (I'm sure). I've never seen a beautiful woman or handsome guy in hyperspace. That's just an example.
#6 Posted : 12/15/2011 10:44:35 PM
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I also think that women are psychologically different then men. I wouldn´t know how they´re different exactly, it´s impossible to put your finger on. Standard answers like 'men are more agressive' just fall short.

Women have brains that are evolutionary wired for motherhood. I once used to think that such a statement was sexistic or discriminating...until my sister became a mother. She just showed to have a maternal instinct that i would never have suspected in her.

Maybe women are more able to find fullfilment in themselves, in things like motherhood, while men are more looking for outer stimuli.
#7 Posted : 12/15/2011 10:53:18 PM

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EuphoricHavoc wrote:
I'll speculate. My guess is theres huge difference. I mean theres big difference in our experiences in the real world, right? I went to a job interview last week where the guy seemed to think my head was below my neck and not above. My ex called me all kinds of things from slut to b***h. Most of them animal names. I don't remember this happening to guys I know. Yet,I've gotten special treatment for being female-thats the other side of this.

Seems like we dont get treated the same in reality. I remember hearing our brains are different to. So I bet hyperspace is different. My ex always saw beautiful women he wanted to f**k (I'm sure). I've never seen a beautiful woman or handsome guy in hyperspace. That's just an example.

I've been called a few animal names in my time by various women who knew me .
Seriously, I don't think one could concretely conclude that a gender specific "Hyperspace experience" takes place. Though I could imagine that females process and evaluate the experience differently than males.

I'd love to see some female representation in my travels, but alas, my entities look like a cross between a Swiss watch movement and a mosquito.

#8 Posted : 12/16/2011 4:06:38 PM

Dawn Rising

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Dear all thank you for your responses.

Of course each experience is unique in itself, and to the person. Looking at the journeying SWIM and I have done, the differences has been consistent in that he is mostly still, up and out whereas SWIM is very physical, animated and energy filled. Interestingly if you consider this in terms of Tantra - Shakti (female) is the embodiment of the physical, and the Cup that receives from Shiva (male), the higher consciousness and the filler of the cup. The union of the two ultimately creates the cosmic orgasm.

SWIM and another have explored DMT as a couple by taking at the same time, and the sexual / creative energy was huge. We literally conjoined and became one. This is why the question about Kundalini energy whilst with DMT was asked, and if there were any thoughts / advice / feed back on that.

Further, has anyone had whilst journeying, a healing visitation. SWIM literally had something enter into the body, where a reprogramming or re calibration took place - with the most interesting finger movements in the right hand. The boyfriend watched this (not journeying), and witnessed the moment when the something entered and the following encounter of the healing process.

To SWIM it felt like the beginning; a foundation setting before SWIM started to seriously embark on the full DMT break-though experience. And when that happened it was even more incredible to witness, apparently!
#9 Posted : 12/16/2011 4:54:19 PM

Dawn Rising

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(Full moon; opening ritual of room smudging; medicine wheel and prayers. Intention set.)

1st Break-Through:

SWIM sat and inhaled the 3rd pull. Blackout, a moment of black no-thing-ness. Twisted edgy visuals and an increasingly uncomfortable sensation began. SWIM realised then that life was ending, there was a gut wrenching sinking feeling and no breath. Life flashed by in an upwards motion as SWIM began to sink into the ground, feeling an enormous pressure on the face. Felt like eternity.

(To boyfriend watching, this was about 3 seconds where SWIM was sitting one moment then dropped like a stone the next!)

SWIM was being pushed into the ground all the way under and full circle back up again. Saw a face (boyfriend), said "its you!". Had no idea who you, me, or I was, but knew somehow the energy being behind the face.

As breathing began, eyes opened and a world of life and energy opened up. Apparently SWIM stood up and tried to walk off a couple of times in this space. Sat down and creation began. A primal voice flew out of SWIMs mouth, a full spectrum of noises began. Touched another's face as well as own, but could not understand skin or the outer sensations.

The cosmic serpent of life-force appeared and entered SWIM through the root chakra. This caused SWIM to touch that place and to remove any clothing that was in the way (!!). At the same time SWIM reached out for the other being (boyfriend) and tried to remove his clothing...

The all consuming feeling was an immense force through the core of SWIMs body which SWIM had to follow, somehow.

SWIM tried to initiate penetration and realised that that was not 'it'. There was intermittent kissing with boyfriend (even though SWIM did not have a mouth or lips or...), boyfriend initiated tantric breathing (partner breathe into others mouth, other inhale and visa versa). When this happened the visuals changed and incorporated sacred symbols. When our 2 bodies were in alignment, SWIM saw the energy of that union and felt how it increased.

Searching for the access point to the strong physical feeling caused by serpent energy (life-Force), SWIM moved from sex to kissing, still not the answer. By now SWIM began to find language rather than the shamanic/cavewoman noises. Finally SWIM realised that 'it' was the breath. A dawning realisation that the breath was the ultimate union with another, and of course life itself.

Death and rebirth was fully experienced - these words do not come close to what was felt.

SWIM is left feeling very surprised by how physical a journey can be, the whole thing was active. It was primal and creation, animal and human.

How can you go into another realm completely lose your 'self' and reality, yet, recognise another?


Thanks for listening Smile

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