~We Are One~
What is time really? To me, Time is understood through the steps of awareness that you have taken. We are all beings in this infinite universe of beauty. We are simply energy. We are beings with infinite ability. I Love to Love and always process energy into a positive stream of inspiration that feeds the cosmic plan in the most healthy way known. When I say "I" I really mean "we", in my mind I believe we are all the same. We are all "One." A part of the same living organism, truly wanting the same thing. We are discovering those true beliefs and deciphering which thoughts are "True" and which thoughts are counterproductive to the flourishing of life. Yes, we are all individuals, but we all have an urge to find connection. That feeling of wanting to connect makes us the same. We are all connected, that want for connection is "God", Together connected as a universal organism, ~We are God~
Knowing that we are connected and understanding what your connection is, is the same as knowing everyone else's connection. If I know myself, therefore, I know the Magnolia tree that sways from the winds persuasion. If I am aware of my connection I know that I am "All" and "All" is I
Harmony For All!
~Unity Is Beautiful~