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If you think dmt is real? Options
mrs right
#1 Posted : 12/8/2011 6:21:58 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 4
Joined: 08-Dec-2011
Last visit: 09-Dec-2011
Hey I've heard alot about dmt and done it a couple times and heard this was the best place to talk about it and shit. So can you reply to my questions trufully, no lies now k?

So if you think dmt is real like actually going to some other place by just smoking some chems does that mean smoking salvia d is real and you go to salvia land? Or by taking acid it changes the shit around you, or taking mescaline, 2cx, mushrooms, and all the other psychedelics, by taking them they actually change everything else, and it's not you who is changing? Because thats what I'm hearing about dmt, why wouldn't it be the same for the other psychedelics?

Or if you take dissociatives do you really enter some parallel world and filled with different yous at different ages so you can watch you life flash before you, or have real out of body experiences where you can float around the earth and see what's happening in real time?

Or if you take delirients and see your son or a family member who is on holiday in another country and you just just spoke to them on the phone in that country, are they really there like they teleported to you or some shit? Or if you see some scary clown face monster is he real?

Can you explain this? If they're not real why is dmt? Aren't you just fooling yourself and being bias?
All 3 types are classed as hallucinogens where the people who take it hallucinate. Aren't you delusional if you believe or even consider believing something from a hallucinogen?

Definition of DELUSION
1: the act of deluding : the state of being deluded
2 a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated b : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also : the abnormal state marked by such beliefs

Synonym Discussion of DELUSION
delusion, illusion, hallucination, mirage mean something that is believed to be true or real but that is actually false or unreal. delusion implies an inability to distinguish between what is real and what only seems to be real, often as the result of a disordered state of mind <delusions of persecution>. illusion implies a false ascribing of reality based on what one sees or imagines <an illusion of safety>. hallucination implies impressions that are the product of disordered senses, as because of mental illness or drugs <suffered from terrifying hallucinations>. mirage in its extended sense applies to an illusory vision, dream, hope, or aim <claimed a balanced budget is a mirage>.

"Because functionally equivalent states of the central awareness system can arise from either memory or sensory sources, it is possible for dreams, perceptual memories, fantasies, and hallucinations to become indistinguishable from real events. Hallucinations result whenever internal events trigger a pattern of brain activity equivalent to that normally generated when sense organs respond to a publicly observable event. Thus, if the brain's awareness mechanisms were to be flooded by neural discharges from memory banks, the experience could feel just as real as if it had been engendered by actual events "out there."
How we ordinarily distinguish reality from vivid mental imagery or daydreams and why this ability should occasionally break down are central to an understanding of hallucinations.[28] The ability of the brain to create illusory experiences that pass for reality can be seen as a cost we incur in return for the ability to think and remember in complex images (ie, to conjure up believable tableaux in our mind's eye). In order for imagery to be useful in solving problems and mentally testing out prospective actions in a "dry run," we require neural systems capable of creating a model of the world with considerable veracity inside our heads. That a representational system of this sophistication should occasionally fool us into thinking it is real ought to surprise no one."
I don't know if this is completely 100% accurate BUT its very related.

Lets play with this a lil bit. ASSUMING dmt world is real and not inside your head, based on what people have said there would be good dmt races and bad dmt races. The good races are nice and shit and thats fine but the bad races are whats important. Can you really give someone dmt or tell them how to make it knowing theres a 50/50 chance of them meeting the bad dmt races? Don't you think you should be held accountable for whatever the person does afterwards after meeting the bad races? Or is it all their fault? Even though they wouldn't know anything about it if it wasn't for websites like this or people on the internet telling others to try it and where to find the methods of making it or people at parties boosting about it? What if they don't know what they're doing or they completely believe in dmt and feel like they must act out whatever?

Believing it or not, recommending it puts you in a sticky situation. Maybe you ignore it or just don't see it. I don't know.

Say the bad races tells the person to kill themselves and he does. Was the person delusional and it was his fault? Was dmt real and it's dmts fault? Either way it's your fault for helping the person get dmt and now he's dead.
Say the bad races tells the person to kill other people and he does. Was the person delusional and it was his fault? Was dmt real and it's dmts fault? Either way it's your fault for helping the person get dmt and he's a murderer.
Say the bad races tells the person to kill you or your friends and family. Was the person delusional and it was his fault? Was dmt real and it's dmts fault? Either way it's your fault for helping the person get dmt and now you're dead or your friends and family are.
Say the person is a serial killer or a potential one. If it was all in his head the outcome would make sense. If dmt is real then you can't blame the serial killer because it has nothing to with it.

If you believe dmt to be real and someone says dmt races told them to harm you, what would you think of them, what would you do? Would you think something is wrong inside their head? Would you call the police and/or insane asylum? Would you let them harm you even if it means death because you believe?

People who assists other people in suicide and murder are accomplices according to the law and they go to prison. So if dmt is real or if its not, legally ethically and morally you're to blame for whatever happens to people who take dmt whether thy commit crimes or lose their mind or take their life.

Now you know don't you think you should make the right decisions? Having websites, extraction techniques, and people telling others about dmt is reckless. If the person is sure about it they can go on drug vacations to tribal places and be properly taught about it and then decide. Having kids go on info websites like this and buying the shit to make it online and making it not only encourages them to brake the law and use drugs but you're also risking their health. You know what you're doing, make the right decision, you think you're enlightened or wise well we'll see by what actions you choose to take.

P.S Is this a religion? dmt believers grouped together? You might want to think good and proper about what you're doing

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#2 Posted : 12/8/2011 6:33:13 PM

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Dear Mrs. Wrong, have you got these ideas from Alex Jones?

The good races are nice and shit and thats fine but the bad races are whats important. Can you really give someone dmt or tell them how to make it knowing theres a 50/50 chance of them meeting the bad dmt races? Don't you think you should be held accountable for whatever the person does afterwards after meeting the bad races?

Now you know don't you think you should make the right decisions? Having websites, extraction techniques, and people telling others about dmt is reckless. If the person is sure about it they can go on drug vacations to tribal places and be properly taught about it and then decide

Believing it or not, recommending it puts you in a sticky situation. Maybe you ignore it or just don't see it. I don't know.

I wonder how someone who is a total newb with DMT can state such BS on a board dedicated to DMT. WTF

Aren't you ignoring alot here, attitude page being one of them?
#3 Posted : 12/8/2011 6:55:16 PM

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Phew! you could have at least tried to condense this wall of piffel, it would have saved me valuable minutes of my precious time.

Peace to you all the same!
John Smith
#4 Posted : 12/8/2011 7:00:50 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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A comprehensive post, however I think you're a troll Rolling eyes
No input signal

Bill Cipher
#5 Posted : 12/8/2011 7:04:39 PM

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Suggest you avoid it at all cost. Sounds like some awful stuff.

I wouldn't expect any actual discourse from our little community here. But as you're clearly not looking to engage in any, you shouldn't be disappointed with the quality of responses.

Good luck with whatever. And shit.
#6 Posted : 12/8/2011 7:14:46 PM

odin the one

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first off . i enjoyed the read and the passion..2nd.. what ever happened to personal responsiblity... to me there in lies the biggest problem..if you ever get a message to harm another knowing that harm to another is wrong..wtf..and to think you do not question that alone..wtf.lets say im wrong. ok. but if i take away something from the experience that causes me to change in a positive way and the way i treat others. nothing can come from that but good.. but to suggest i can pass the buck and blame after i make the choice to act in an evil way.. is B.S.. you say you have tried it.. i find it odd this is the possiblity that you came back with.. to me i do not care what religion you believe in are pray to..it can be a frisbee. so long as when you get up off your knees. the next person you meet. you treat with honor and respect.. i cannot get over how blaming others for the action of the one seems ok!! and as far as this forum goes.. if you have read as much and talked to as many as i have.. then you would know beyond a shadow of a doubt. that the people here speak from love and care, and as much knowledge as possible. again i can only speak for my self.. personel responsiblty is just not in you post.. excuses for actions is all through it.. you tell me .. at what point should a person take responsiblty for there actions?? just before they die? to get past there higher power to get to there heavenly place..enough of blaming others for ones actions...REALLY? i do respect your post. it could be thought provoking.. if i could get past the one thing that should really count..personel responsiblty... you sound as if your putting this forum on trial. for sharing what they have come to know and respect..again i do like your post. but i hope you understand that without personel responsiblty for bringing harm to others.. you are left only with excuses... Oden
corpus callosum
#7 Posted : 12/8/2011 7:32:33 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Interesting thread.

Mrs Right, if you have actually spent a little time reading around this site you would have plainly seen that the issue of whether the DMT world is real or not is an oft-discussed topic with a variety of viewpoints.

This site provides information and a place for discussion of many topics but it compels no-one to use DMT.This is where the viewer must make up their own minds on how they wish to utilise, or not as the case may be, the info contained here.

You say youve tried DMT-how was your experience?

I also think you vacillate a little between dismissing DMT as being wholly delusional then you also recognise that there is something to it, which you feel can only be gleaned by 'a drug vacation to tribal places'.

If you wish to engage with the members here then you are welcome; if we are just deluded and morally reprehensible in your eyes then there millions of other sites you may find more to your liking.
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#8 Posted : 12/8/2011 8:02:23 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Unfortunately with the way you've decided to start this thread I doubt any real rational discussion can be had concerning any of these questions you ask (which are rhetorical in nature anyways). But since you decided to type all of this, I decided I'd reply.

mrs right wrote:
So if you think dmt is real like actually going to some other place by just smoking some chems does that mean smoking salvia d is real and you go to salvia land? Or by taking acid it changes the shit around you, or taking mescaline, 2cx, mushrooms, and all the other psychedelics, by taking them they actually change everything else, and it's not you who is changing? Because thats what I'm hearing about dmt, why wouldn't it be the same for the other psychedelics?

In certain respects, they all sorta do the same thing which is rearrange what you thought was real (not my quote but I forget who said it). Now by stating it that way I've answered your question both ways (specifically the part I highlighted).

A commonly accepted scientific fact is that we create the world we experience in our brains via the brain's interpretation through the five physical senses. That is how reality is constructed for the individual who is experiencing it. Now, if we ingest certain mind altering chemicals (some already naturally produced in the brain) our experience of reality changes. Our brain patterns change, and we experience something else entirely. What has changed? The world around me or me myself? What's the difference? (PS. I invite you to study the philosophical works of Alan Watts if this concept befuddles you)

mrs right wrote:
Or if you take dissociatives do you really enter some parallel world and filled with different yous at different ages so you can watch you life flash before you, or have real out of body experiences where you can float around the earth and see what's happening in real time?

Well, the many worlds theory of quantum mechanics speculates there may be an infinate number of parallel universes with different versions of ourselves occupying some of these. If our physical sciences actually allow for this as a possibility I don't think it's too much of a stretch to speculate on the possibility of interdimensional travel, just like how it may have seemed crazy to talk about spaceflight two hundred years ago.

One of the things you will also notice if you spent more than 5 minutes browsing this site (and I make that claim because you clearing didn't read the attitude page prior to your posting) is that none of us here will say with 100% certitude that these experiences are objectively real. Whether scientific rationalist or thorough-going mystic we all accept that we cannot ever prove these experiences as objectively real or not. We all accept this. The main road block we run into when discussing these concepts between the two camps is a matter of interpretation, which is why we all try to keep open minds on this forum.

mrs right wrote:
Or if you take delirients and see your son or a family member who is on holiday in another country and you just just spoke to them on the phone in that country, are they really there like they teleported to you or some shit? Or if you see some scary clown face monster is he real?

If you can explain with absolute certitude what is real and what is not real then perhaps we can discuss this further. The fact is, we have no idea what is real and not real and this becomes a moot question.

mrs right wrote:
Can you explain this? If they're not real why is dmt? Aren't you just fooling yourself and being bias?
All 3 types are classed as hallucinogens where the people who take it hallucinate. Aren't you delusional if you believe or even consider believing something from a hallucinogen?

And what is a hallucination? All that is is a word defined by man. Billions of people the world over believe in the hallucinations of saints and prophets. Now, whether you believe this to be utter nonsense or not doesn't dilineate from the fact that a majority of people on the planet at least accept on a matter of faith the hallucinations of others. Perhaps the term itself isn't as terrible as the connotation you apply to it.

mrs right wrote:
Definition of DELUSION
1: the act of deluding : the state of being deluded
2 a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated b : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also : the abnormal state marked by such beliefs

Synonym Discussion of DELUSION
delusion, illusion, hallucination, mirage mean something that is believed to be true or real but that is actually false or unreal. delusion implies an inability to distinguish between what is real and what only seems to be real, often as the result of a disordered state of mind <delusions of persecution>. illusion implies a false ascribing of reality based on what one sees or imagines <an illusion of safety>. hallucination implies impressions that are the product of disordered senses, as because of mental illness or drugs <suffered from terrifying hallucinations>. mirage in its extended sense applies to an illusory vision, dream, hope, or aim <claimed a balanced budget is a mirage>.

Again, words defined by society. What is real? If I believe something to be true, and I am experiencing it as a truth, is it not true? How could such a situation ever be false in that regard? Just because I've been to Alaska and you haven't doesn't mean that Alaska isn't a place that's real. What you take to be real is something that can be objectively described by others. But do you love your parents? Your dog or significant other? Well what if I thought you were deluding yourself? Prove to me that you love them and I'll accept what you experience as reality.

mrs right wrote:
Lets play with this a lil bit. ASSUMING dmt world is real and not inside your head, based on what people have said there would be good dmt races and bad dmt races. The good races are nice and shit and thats fine but the bad races are whats important. Can you really give someone dmt or tell them how to make it knowing theres a 50/50 chance of them meeting the bad dmt races? Don't you think you should be held accountable for whatever the person does afterwards after meeting the bad races? Or is it all their fault? Even though they wouldn't know anything about it if it wasn't for websites like this or people on the internet telling others to try it and where to find the methods of making it or people at parties boosting about it? What if they don't know what they're doing or they completely believe in dmt and feel like they must act out whatever?

There is so much here that seems like just your own personal hang ups that it is very difficult for me to even relate to you. Where do you get the idea that if hyperspace is real that there must be good and bad dmt races? Aren't you projecting your own human fears onto something that you know so little about? You remind me of Stephen Hawking who, quite ignorantly, suggested we not try to contact extraterrestrials if they exist because they might try to colonize our planet. This is very human thinking, we have no way of knowing what another species of beings would be like.

The idea of bad and good entities in hyperspace is a matter of hot debate here in these forums and if I'm being truthful with you we have no idea if they are 'real' or just projections of our psyches. In either case, I've never known a single person who has encountered the 'bad guys' and not lived to tell the tale. Many end up integrating the experience and realize it had to do with things they needed to change in their own lives and are better off as a result.

And again I would suggest you read more on this forum. There are health and safety guidelines all over this community that advise on the types of experiences, both good and bad, that you may encounter. We often say DMT (and by extension other psychoactives) are not for everyone. If you or someone else has a strong fear response associated with these chemicals then just stay away from them. Coming and trying to tell us all the error of our ways will do nothing other than make people belligerent with you.

And I lol'ed at your party reference. If you have ever actually smoked DMT you would know there is no way that it's a party drug. In fact, that's the FIRST thing you will probably learn...

mrs right wrote:
Believing it or not, recommending it puts you in a sticky situation. Maybe you ignore it or just don't see it. I don't know.

You act like this is an outreach center where we seek to convert the unbelieving masses via psychedelics. People come and join this forum because they are already curious about these things. That's how it happened to me. I came to the Nexus because I was so puzzled by my peculiar experiences I had to see if anyone else experienced similar things. Come to find out they do.

mrs right wrote:
Say the bad races tells the person to kill themselves and he does. Was the person delusional and it was his fault? Was dmt real and it's dmts fault? Either way it's your fault for helping the person get dmt and now he's dead.
Say the bad races tells the person to kill other people and he does. Was the person delusional and it was his fault? Was dmt real and it's dmts fault? Either way it's your fault for helping the person get dmt and he's a murderer.
Say the bad races tells the person to kill you or your friends and family. Was the person delusional and it was his fault? Was dmt real and it's dmts fault? Either way it's your fault for helping the person get dmt and now you're dead or your friends and family are.
Say the person is a serial killer or a potential one. If it was all in his head the outcome would make sense. If dmt is real then you can't blame the serial killer because it has nothing to with it.

I don't know what has happened to you to cause you to have such a dark view of what DMT actually does, but this line of thinking is the same type that governments use to place as much control over their populations as possible. Since we as humans are incapable of taking care of ourselves, we must be told by some other authority how to behave, how fast we can drive, what drugs we can take, things we can think, etc. We need to wage a huge costly war on drugs so a few dumb people don't kill themselves. We need tighter gun control because people are too stupid. We think everyone needs babysitting or if left to their own devices they will self-destruct. I on the other hand do not assume people to be so ignorant and self-destructive. An individual person is responsible for themselves and their actions, including things involving DMT.

I don't claim to be smarter than anyone else, in fact I'll say I'm quite stupid about a good many things. However, I take 100% full responsibility for myself and my actions. Any information I get on an online forum should be cross-checked and tested by me. No one else is responsible for my mistakes.

mrs right wrote:
Now you know don't you think you should make the right decisions? Having websites, extraction techniques, and people telling others about dmt is reckless. If the person is sure about it they can go on drug vacations to tribal places and be properly taught about it and then decide. Having kids go on info websites like this and buying the shit to make it online and making it not only encourages them to brake the law and use drugs but you're also risking their health. You know what you're doing, make the right decision, you think you're enlightened or wise well we'll see by what actions you choose to take.

P.S Is this a religion? dmt believers grouped together? You might want to think good and proper about what you're doing

In my humble opinion, having an online resource of information on health and safety and a community full of people who are willing and able to help answer questions (even those of this nature) IS the right decision. If you outlaw abortion because it's 'not right' or 'unhealthy' that would never stop abortions from actually happening. People would just be less safe about such practices and get themselves into even more trouble, which would cause harsher and harsher laws to be put in place to try and discourage such activities. Basically what I'm saying is these things will never go away, so having actual factual information available for those who seek it out is, imo, a much better alternative then having people fumble around in the dark.

Also, I hardly consider an online forum full of people who enjoy discussing the same thing a 'religion'. Go browse a world of warcraft forum sometime if you think the things here on this forum are too zany and out there.
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
mrs right
#9 Posted : 12/8/2011 10:25:09 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 09-Dec-2011
Why was my post deleted and still hidden from the public, the people without user names? Are you trying to be the government censoring free speech? I know it wasn't because I said sh**, I wasn't directing it at anyone and I've seen people swear on here and their posts are still up. Did I offend someone, nope and if I did well I've seen people offend on here and their posts are still up.

actualfactual wrote:
my thoughts are that alex jones is fucking nuts

Swore and offended someone. Not that I care. Just proving a point.

Attack the messenger and not the message. Tsk Tsk.

Dear tele, no I didn't get those ideas from Alex Jones. I got them from reading what people wrote of different sites. I read that Alex Jones World Elite shit after I posted. Read the last post on the 3rd page. That person says he saw evil things on dmt.
What could I be ignoring? You ignored the rest of my post. Tsk Tsk.

John Smith why must I be a troll. People these days, can't handle criticism.

Oden personal responsibility is gone out the window if someone becomes mentally unstable. The whole post is about someone being "fucking nuts" because of drugs someone told them to take. If the person is mentally sound then yea its their responsibility, but I've read many times dmt can fuck with peoples minds.

corpus callosum you can't possibly know what everyone posts right? You might not tell people to do it but other people do
Simon Jester wrote "Alex Jones needs to smoalk moar DMT." just an example.
My experience doesn't matter, I only put it in so people can't tell me to go smoke it. I never mentioned I "recognise that there is something to it" I said "ASSUME". I mention the tripes because if people are going to do it they might as well do with people who started it and are supposedly good at it.

Tek most people don't reply are type who would stand in court saying no comment knowing they're guilty. I post was rhetorical yes but it's true, yours is science fiction or at best unprovable theories. I'll answer each statement as simply as possible in order because this would take forever.
1.So psychedelics rearrange what you thought was real, I agree.
2.What has changed? You changed, you just said so. If an object is red and you take a drug and now it looks blue the drug did it. The color is determined by it's chemical makeup, you taking a drug has no effect on it.
3.Entering a parallel universe? by using a drug? Seriously? You know I made that up right? Fine, can you be in 2 different universes at once? You might hallucinate but people around you will still see you. You really believe the mind can leave the body don't you.
4.You can't say with certainty that no one ever believes in dmt.
5.I know I'm real. I don't know you. Do you think you're real? If yes then we're separate. You're human, so it's safe to say all humans who think they're real are real. Anyways I don't have to "explain with absolute certitude what is real" even though I did, you tried to side step a question. Tsk tsk. You don't have to explain it to me, no one had to reply but it just proves you don't know or you're intentionally confusing yourself.
6.Drug induced hallucinations are fine except when they're bad. I already said the good races on dmt are fine.
7."What is real? If I believe something to be true, and I am experiencing it as a truth, is it not true?" Ever get the creepy crawly sensation and think an insect is walking on you, only when you look there's nothing there? I someone pretend to love you and you believe it, does it mean they love you? The answer is no, you were tricked.
8."There is so much here that seems like just your own personal hang ups" Yea I don't see that. That is no different from what any other concerning person would say.
9.Why must people change because they took dmt? Sounds forced and people like you allow it, right? And how many is "many"? You could say many people go to university buy less than half the population of any given country actually goes.
10.I wasn't trying to stop you from doing it. No where is that mentioned or hinted.
11.People at parties boasting about it, I didn't say they were doing it. I misspelled boasting.
12.That was general. If you don't recommend it then it wasn't for you.
13.That was an example. But if a serial killer did take dmt that could happen.
14.Good for you. But of course that's not the point.
15.Maybe but it also makes people aware of it. Google dmt and you'll find a bunch of sites telling you how to make it.
16.A group of believers is basically a religion. You can debate amongst yourselves like christian denominations but a part of you still believes.

To the mod who silenced me:
Attack the messenger and not the message. Geez thats sad and pathetic. See and now I can judge you by that action. Some users might be wise but the mod who hid the truth isn't. The post was for old and new dmters, if you're not afraid of anything let the new people see it, but if you are I understand. Continue hiding from the shit that scares you. If you have a problem, post it so I know, can't help you otherwise, you know?
#10 Posted : 12/9/2011 8:47:01 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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The good races are nice and shit and thats fine but the bad races are whats important. Can you really give someone dmt or tell them how to make it knowing theres a 50/50 chance of them meeting the bad dmt races? Don't you think you should be held accountable for whatever the person does afterwards after meeting the bad races?

Now you know don't you think you should make the right decisions? Having websites, extraction techniques, and people telling others about dmt is reckless. If the person is sure about it they can go on drug vacations to tribal places and be properly taught about it and then decide

Believing it or not, recommending it puts you in a sticky situation. Maybe you ignore it or just don't see it. I don't know.

why should someone have to travel to the jungle for this experience? don't you think the collective intelligence of everyone here rivals that of a single shaman?

why shouldn't a person be able to make a decision to explore their own mind without having to spend 2000 dollars on a trip to south america?

because they 'might' have a bad trip and meet an evil entity?

should someone never be taught how to build a fire to keep warm because they 'might' burn themselves?

I don't think you've thought this through...
โ€Ž"I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect." J. Krishnamurti ~ The Dissolution of the Order of the Star. 1929


Parshvik Chintan
#11 Posted : 12/9/2011 9:24:23 PM

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Uncle Knucles wrote:
Suggest you avoid it at all cost. Sounds like some awful stuff.

i lol'd

Tek wrote:
A commonly accepted scientific fact is that we create the world we experience in our brains via the brain's interpretation through the five physical senses.

not to nitpick or anything, but its 14-20 senses now
1 2 3
My wind instrument is the bong
#12 Posted : 12/9/2011 9:52:03 PM

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I think your a troll that got banned a couple days ago. Your writing style is the same, and your name screams stubborn (just as he/she was). So what was your old screen name?

Your coming onto a site about trying to understand, and learn from these chemicals. Do so. Your posts are littered with inexperience. You have not even considered the fact that whatever viewpoint you have, could be horribly wrong. I'm not saying mine is right. I'm not saying anybodies is right or wrong for that matter. I'm just saying open your mind to the possibility. I opened mine to the possibility that you are right. In the end my own personal arguments held up better (to myself). So I still feel as I did before about it, but I did consider it.

Consider the possibility you are wrong mrs. right
Let the Tao flow through you. Be the embodiment of it so throughout, that when passed by on the street they say, "Look! There goes Dao!"
#13 Posted : 12/9/2011 9:59:34 PM

odin the one

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ms right ... your post is back...thank you nexus for doing althrough hard the right thing..much respect to you<3.. ms right.. you come at this forum with soo much anger. you say to me that if they are nuts then responsiblity is out the window? then if they cannot make the proper choice, then they should not be in this forum or others.. but to blame this forum that is wrong. if you can read as well as you type. then you know this forum takes great care and love to bring safty and understanding to this molecule..i can tell you have never had a true breakthrough. because of the vemon you choose to eject..do you even see how much poison you seem to love to shoot out.. it seems you truly do not understand what you choose to hate.. research research research.. do your dam homework.. you want respect you want understanding.. this kind of anger belongs and is best served to the alcohol and tobacco industrie check the death numbers there mamm!
.. i can not stand behind censorship.. but mamm you just truly dont get it do you..you think you have hooked yourself to a great cause to attack.. i cannot understand how someone that seems smart.. just jumps on this forum with so dam little research.. you judge so quickly.. and you cannot see how wrong that is to add to this world...i understand this about you.. you are not out to right a wrong.. no mamm . you goal is to hurt not to understand .. you have had your chance to spit your vemon with no research, facts, or homework.. and you got on your cross and judged..you like blaming others and pointing fingers at anything but yourself.. i feel shame for you.. i leave you with this. which i hope someday you truly get before you leave this world.. hurt people hurt, healed people heal.. i truly hope someday you become the latter...this is the stand you make?.. with soo very much wrong with this world!..where is your greater good.. where?? where do you offer healing??? no one claims here that we cure all or anything..we help as we can... read the post..you watch the news.. and this is your cause.. i feel saddness for how truly lost you are..i wish you the best.. i am proud of the people of this forum. i am proud of the way they let you rant. i am proud of the wiki,the health and safty, and the very bright and loving hearts they come to this forum..i am greatful with what i have learned you will never in your life understand where i was before i found this fourm and these amazing people.. read my introduction to understand what brought me here.. best of luck ms right.. cause you got all wrong..Oden
#14 Posted : 12/9/2011 10:20:21 PM

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mrs right wrote:

Attack the messenger and not the message. Geez thats sad and pathetic. See and now I can judge you by that action. Some users might be wise but the mod who hid the truth isn't. The post was for old and new dmters, if you're not afraid of anything let the new people see it, but if you are I understand. Continue hiding from the shit that scares you. If you have a problem, post it so I know, can't help you otherwise, you know?

The problem here I think is that you are totally new to DMT so what really is your message? Speculating about the evil nature of DMT? Blaming it maybe? Trust me, it's so evil you shouldn't even think about doing it again, it might help bad spirits to milk your soul... BTW the good vs evil thread is something you might be interested in. Just to see there's no telling for certain what's going on.
I think you think too much of your "message" to be important somehow.

DMT is real or not, ugh... I dunno... and shit
#15 Posted : 12/9/2011 11:08:43 PM

The Rhythmic Dúnedain

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Uncle Knucles wrote:

Good luck with whatever. And shit.

+1 ArtSmile seriously who actually types "and shit" after everything they write. Not to be pompous but nice diction Mrs right. You wouldn't happen to be a juggalo would you? A juggalo troll, in thine dungeon. I hope I never go to a juggalo troll dungeon whilst on dmt. That would be way to real for me.
What are we but stupefied dancers to a discordant stystem, we believe - so we're mislead
we assume - so we're played
we confide - so we're deceived
we trust - so we're betrayed

#16 Posted : 12/9/2011 11:15:02 PM

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Don't feed the .... Very happy
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#17 Posted : 12/9/2011 11:17:42 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Dream2Awaken wrote:

Your coming onto a site about trying to understand, and learn from these chemicals. Do so. Your posts are littered with inexperience. You have not even considered the fact that whatever viewpoint you have, could be horribly wrong. I'm not saying mine is right. I'm not saying anybodies is right or wrong for that matter. I'm just saying open your mind to the possibility. I opened mine to the possibility that you are right. In the end my own personal arguments held up better (to myself). So I still feel as I did before about it, but I did consider it.

Consider the possibility you are wrong mrs. right

This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.
mrs right2
#18 Posted : 12/9/2011 11:30:22 PM
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Good it's up, but I still older members still attacking the messenger and not the message. Whys that? Call me a troll or angry or newb or whatever I don't care about that. You know why because you prove my point. You have nothing better to say or do than to call me names. I bet you call the government a troll for banning drugs with all your other inside jokes. If you don't understand my post then it wasn't for you, stick to calling people who think and know different from you a troll because you're good at it.
By the way you're braking the rules by being rude to me, the traveller should ban you or do something but I don't think he or she likes to follow his own rules. Bad attitude, being offensive and rude, and calling me names. Their your rules the traveller. If you don't follow them how do you expect everyone else to?

Rayoflight I think you're the one who didn't think that through. Should children be allowed to have guns? They might shoot someone but they might not. Laws are made to prevent harm. How would you enforce stopping people from making fires? There's not that many police of firemen to do that.
#19 Posted : 12/9/2011 11:34:37 PM

Traveler's pet cactus

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I think you are completely right Mrs Right. I joined this boards for the same reason as you did, to talk all these people out of it. DMT and all other drugs these people promote are godawful stuff. It doesn't matter that anyone on these boards isn't hurting anyone else, what they think and do is (morally) wrong and they should stop doing it. In fact, all these substances are illegal for a very good reason, so why bother with them? They're illegal.

To everyone on these boards: Please stop using DMT! It's illegal and you should stop using illegal substances. They're illegal for a reason. The government did the thinking for us, decided it was bad! Why would you go against the law, that's so wrong. You wouldn't drive through a red traffic light either now would you?
The spice extends life.
The spice expands consciousness.
The spice is vital to space travel.
#20 Posted : 12/9/2011 11:37:34 PM

"Love is the medicine."

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I shall share a quote from Peter Gorman in his book "Ayahuasca in my Blood." "Among the flora of the world as we know it, several plants are not just allies, they are considered master teachers. You might extend that to read master teachers of humanity. These plants allow us, we humans, to slow down enough to communicate with the mountains; speed up enough to communicate with a hummingbird; visit the realms past and present simultaneous that are here but that we don't ordinarily see or hear within the bandwiths of our senses. When I way realms that are already here, what I mean are other realities that co-exist with ours. Imagine a dog whistle. You blow it, you hear nothing. Your cat hears nothing. But a dog will yelp in pain at the sound. So while you couldn't hear it, it was still there. Your hearing just didn't have a broad enough band."

(¯`'·.¸(โ™ฅ)¸.·'´¯Pleased But suddenly you're ripped into being alive. And life is pain, and life is suffering, and life is horror, but my god you are alive and it is spectacular!
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