This is powerful occult medicine for anger and frustration. It's a bit long, but if one becomes skilled at executing it's directive, anger and frustration may fade away. Tried tested and true. This may help, this may disable anger and frustration. Try it, decide for yourself. I love you all!
1. Change your self-talk, never say anything negative about you again.
2. Change your thoughts - learn to recognize the negative thoughts you are thinking throughout the day. Actively reject them.
3. Do only the things that are good for you.
A. Be a good finder.
B. Be Appreciative. Learn how to say Thank-you.
C. Release Criticism - don't be critical.
D. Read uplifting material.
E. Self-discipline (do number 3 above).
F. Forgive Yourself.
G. Mingle with positive people.
H. Exercise, eat well, get plenty of sleep.
I. Hug someone every day, especially a child or elderly person.
J. Give.
K. Smile at strangers.
L. Never Complain.
M. Don't Demand.
N. Be patient, never yell, speak softly.
O. Try to see things from the other's point of view.
P. Listen. Don't interrupt others.
Q. Accept correction, reject pride.
R. Be more ready to let the other talk.
S. Praise someone today especially someone who cannot pay you back.
T. Accept responsibility: be honest, be truthful, be sincere, be happy when things go well for others - reject jealousy.
U. Say, "I Love You" to your spouse/children EVERY DAY, and to your friends and extended family every time you meet.
Desire nothing. Be content with everything.