Maybe you could kindly ask her, if christianity is so against shamanism, then why do they choose to deliberatily celebrate shamanic holidays such as christmas??
According to origional mythology, jesus was NOT born in the month of Dec.. Jesus was apparently 5 months older than John the Baptist, who was said to have born April 19 or 20th. That would then place the birth of Jesus in the month of September.
What is actually celebrated in the month of Dec historically is pagan festivals. Saturnalia was a pagan based roman festival held on Dec. 25th to honor the birthday of the sun god. The church then began its long history of lies telling its adherants that this was the birthday of christ in order to convert and smother the practices of the pagans.
The church then stole another germanic pagan tradtion. The germanic pagan people did not actually cut down trees and bring them into their homes, as this was destructive to nature. They did, however, decorate their homes with branches of evergreen shrubs durring the time of the winter soltice, dec 21. This was done as a shamanistic magical practice designed to keep the sun from freezing over durrign the winter months because evergreens were the only plants that had the ability to stay green all yr.
The ancient pagan Romans howver, did bring whole trees into their homes for saturnalia, and decorated them with 12 candles to honor their sun god. They also decorated theirtrees with metal ornaments and symbols of their fertility god, Bacchus.
Another stolen traditon, routed in the ceremonial use of entheogens can be found within the immage of santa clause. The siberian indigenous peoples have made use of the red and white spotted amanita muscaria mushrooms for much longer than christianity has been around. They concidered them gifts from their god and the shamans would dress in red and white ceremonial dress. Reindeer were also known to ingest these mushrooms for the intoxicating effects, and the tribe, would have hallucinations of flying reindeer.
The church, in an attempt to stomp out this culture, began to assimilate the red and white motifs prevailent in siberian shamnic society, into the image of santa clause, injecting the paradigm of the shaman into that of their chrsitmas hoax. They carefully wove this lie of santa with that of the flying reindeer, and came up with the flying sleigh pulled by reindeer we all know today.
These points are really just the tip of the iceberg.. Many historians have come to the conclusion that moses vision he had in the burning bush, actually occured in the midst of burning acacia bushes, which contain high levels of DMT.
Most ppl, when they think of the inquisition, they immediatly think of the spanish. The real inquisition began much farther back in time. Europe suffered the evil stronghold of the churchlong before the americas. Christianity is in no way a european religion. Europe was composed of pagan, germanic tribes. Heathenism. These tribes were animistic/polytheistic, hunter gathere type peoples. Land ownership was not so much an issue because farming was not that big an issue. People grew crops, but not to any extensive level. When the church began its european invasion, they were the ones to set up the banking system which comprised of loans and interest.
Before the church, land was given to ppl according to how many mouths there were to feed in a family. When the church came along, they pushed large scale farming and social inequality. Land was now given out in accordance to how wealthy one many oxan one owned. The more oxan one owned, the more power they had behind them to turn the earth through the technologies of oxan driven farming technologies. Ones who could not afford so many oxan, but had more mouths to feed, were forced to go to the church run banks and take out loans, which the church then applied interest rates to, driving up costs, hense more loans and more interest...
The church then began to demonize any tribe that resisted the inquisition.. hense the rediculous overpopulated theory of vikings being more irrational and warlike than any other culture in history. It is true that the viking waged many war upon the adherants of the church, but in an attempt of self preservation.. there is not much evidence of them doing so to other civilizations. There is evidence of the viking carrying out peaceful trade with india and north america, and actually sharing a religion much closer to hinduism than any other..
i think most of us know the rest of the story and all about the north american inquisition..The church has done all it can to wipe out countless cultures, anyone who would not bow down to them, more people have suffered throughout history due to the church than any other organization EVER...
So maybe you could ask her to explain to you how she can possibly find justification in all of the unthinkable atrocities carried out by the church in the name of their god??? The church has made it their personal mission to stomp out ANY pagan/shamanistic tradtion using methods that they themselves would deem unfit and sinful, all of which had entheogenic practices, so whos evil??..
Jesus would shake his head with discust....
Long live the unwoke.