Ez wrote:Cool. It's great to have you aboard and I hope that the folks here can help you on your paths slayerbizkit. How was Peru? Where did you go? How did you get there? I am very curious, as I am leaving for Cancun at the beginning of January. From there I plan to travel by bus down to Guatemal and then possibly even further on.
Thanks man, glad I found this place
I went to Pucallpa, Peru by plane and stayed with the family of the curandero I visited for a week and a half during christmas last year. I had a pretty good time down there, spent most of my time with the locals, being that I speak decent spanish, but I ran into Americans, Australians, Canadians, etc. every now and then doing the whole travel by bus/foot/train/etc. thing like you lol, which was kind of cool.
Anyways, about Pucallpa, it's not a tourist trap but not too dangerous of a place either. You can find Ayahuasca exhibits and artwork all over the place here and there are some pretty cool jungle tours/boat rides if you're into that kind of thing, but personally, I wouldn't go out of my way to come down here unless I had a very good reason, just sayin'