I've been lurking here for a number of years now, and have come to the point where I would like to be an active participant rather than a passive observer. This change was inspired by a recent interest in the many possibilities and wonders of the plant kingdom. I have been interested in the relationship between people and psychoactive substances for a long time, but in my studies I have often overlooked the natural gifts given to us by mother earth. Over the years the reasons for my interest in psychoactive substances have been very different, but the interest has remained the same.
In the beginning I wanted to learn because the idea that physical substances could directly effect the behavior and emotions of people was almost unbelievable. So I learned out of curiosity. Years later I became very depressed, anxious, and angry. Then I researched because I desperately wanted something that could help me feel better in the long term. This search led me to psychedelics, and while they were not a miracle cure they were very helpful. I was taught a lot, and this helped me become considerably more functional. After that I learned for learning's sake, and got high because I could. So it goes.
These days I've found myself drawn towards Cacti and other sacred plants. My dream now is to learn about cultivating plants (particularly Cacti), to give back to the environment, and to make some friends in the process. I have watched the Nexus from outside for a while, and your wonderful community is something I would like to be a part of!
So this is my brief introduction, and I hope you enjoyed it. Much love.
Lion's Dan