Hey everyone. For those that dont know me, dmt first found me a few months ago. I rarely have time to sit down and really devote the required time and energy for proper preparation. However, I have had a few dances with her since our uniting and i'd like to give a report on some aspects of my experiences to date and try to answer a big question i have.
First of all, my spice was extracted from
[Please keep mention of vendors' names to the Suppliers subforum] powdered MHRB using Nomans tek. I freeze precipitated the pulls and recrystallized each time ive done it and have done well on the yield and quality. My final product has been consistent and after a recrystallization has always turned out just a very slight shade off-white and is surprisingly smooth when consumed.
My methods used so far have included a lightbulb (yeah right), a regular glass spoon pipe with herbals (nope), the key v2.0 on a water pipe, and a stainless steel strait pipe with stainless steel or copper used as the flame shield. The latter is by far the most efficient of these. i will not be purchasing a vg unless i find one domestically for a reasonable price which is a tall order. Just wanted to make this clear to first time readers of my posts.
I have not broken through thus far. Admittedly this is probably due to either low dosage or apparatus inefficiency. While i have slowly come to be able to handle more (30mg), i have never left. I have experienced both CEV's and OEV's. Of these, the OEVs have been more intense. I have found through practice that keeping my eyes focused on one thing and not moving them will allow the visual distortions like motion and objects appearing to melt all over one another to manifest. In all my reading before my first toke, i never read anything about that and have no idea why. Maybe i just missed it? Regardless, if i scanned the room, which i did at first, the visuals werent apparent at my dosage. CEVs have been extremely mild if i get them at all. i sometimes see a bit of motion on the back of my eyelids, but it always gets painted with the regular color scheme that is normally there and nothing different. No distinct patterns or shapes either. Its more of like a faintly visible impression of a constantly turning kaleidoscope but with the usual brown/orange/pink colors that are familiar to a closed eye. Furthermore, i have yet to see any substantial color fluxuation or patterns with the eyes opened or closed. I also find the visuals more apparent and enjoyable with lights on.
Has anyone else had the experience of visuals without color? Or should i just stop being a bitch and load the pipe up? lol i have a problem of waiting a minute between tokes just to try to get familiar with the current level before i venture further along. This probably doesnt help either. I dont think im ready to set sail yet but id like to get to the color stages now. i generally feel a bit uneasy when upping my dosage as well. But this along with my otger difficulties have gotten much better as time goes on....
"Outside this consciousness there lies the alien world of actual things. Between the two stretches the narrow borderland of the senses. No communication between the two worlds is possible excepting across the narrow strip...For a proper understanding of the world it is of the highest importance that this borderland should be thoroughly explored.
-Heinrich Hertz, 1891
All statements and posts are fictitious. The author is attempting to interact with others online through use of a portrayed character in order to gain knowledge from social situations. The author of these posts does not and never will consume illegal substances or condone the use, acquisition, sale, or creation of any such substance.