Where shall I begin? My love for spice began at an earlier age than what it should have, but it helped shape me into the person I am today. I am a hardworking, honest person who wants nothing more than to not be questioned about what he does. I STRONGLY feel the government needs to take a step back out of our lives and let us be ourselves. I haven't had the best childhood, constantly moving, parents on meth, crack, etc. but I feel that's no excuse and will cause no limitation in my abilities and intelligence. I am strongly opinionated but I also now when to hold my tongue. Psychology and how the brain works and operates is extremely interesting and I love hearing about other persons thought processes. I would like, sometime in my life, to hav the freedom to explore the effects of the spice on the human mind, watch the brain a their adventure unfolds. I would like to see what (if anything) makes it stronger, weaker, or longer. Personally, when I use spice, I like to sprinkle it upon or in the middle of my miss Mary j and just set back, close my eyes, have soft music playing (did it to danger zone once, I couldn't wait for it to end. I had an inevitable feeling something was going to tear apart my soul live in my body and continue my life as me whilst I was stuck in another realm) and open my mind to a whole new beginning.
The world is only what the eye perceives