How's it going guys and gals?!
Allow me to set the record straight on who this new "Bubbles" character is.
I am a student on the west side of the united states, with a burning passion for psycho-pharmacology and the ingenious world of chemistry.
got into this crazy world of variables and "what if's?" because my brother told me to smoke some mj after i had been diagnosed with chronic insomnia and anxiety disorder at the age of 13
after that i felt a hunger to know more about these chemicals and their true potential!
i then took it upon myself to learn the chemical safety data and to set an example for those around me, no senseless substance abuse, and no use of pointless and worthless drugs. So much so that an underground rave community i used to belong to nicknamed me "mama bear"
i was always running around making sure that everyone else was doing fine and wasnt freaking out, and since then i have always shared the knowledge i have and continue to seek more.
so hi guys!
i am bubbles