[quote=Sky Motion]Yesterday me and my friend took half a hit of acid. The acid was just typical white on white blotter and the size of the strip I took was half a centimeter. I was kinda just looking for some mild introspection and some visuals if I was lucky. My friend got this, I did not.
Wow! this sounds so casual!... [me and my friend took half a hit of acid]..
..[you must be from europe!] [you are so lucky to live there!]
Where can anyone find ..[REAL]]..blotter acid?.. I asked myself?
I know its not in the united states anymore [at least nothing of real purity]..since the good old days in 1969 and 1970 when quality pure acid like ..[yellow micro dot] ..[green pentagon]..[windowpane]..
[grey owsley].. [orange sun shine].. [purple haze] and good old ..[LSD 25 blotter].. was available made by great chemists like ..[Owsley and Sands]...
Being an older hippy these memorys are like a passing dream...
As far as having an out of body experiance ..anything is posible.. in the human mind ..learn to enjoy and learn from it...