This patch of grass was grown out from 2-3 wild collected plants for 4 years. Plants clipped to 3" at the end of October from fully mature plants. Samples were taken of the re-growth at the end of November/beginning of December. Green growing portions only despite some frost in the past month.
Plates were run on two separate extractions (PH1 and PH2) with the following procedure:
5-10 gm refluxed in MeOH for 1 hour (x2)
Made acidic (pH3) with dilute H2SO4 and de-fatted with CHCl3 (x3)
Made basic with 10% NH4OH (pH12)
Extracted with CHCl3 (x3)
Organic layers combined and evaporated to yellow brown gum
Gum dissolved in 2ml MeOH and used for plates
Plate 1 system: IPA:Ethyl Acetate:NH4OH (60:15:5) Viz: .1% Ethnolic Xanthydrol with Phosphoric Acid
Plate 1, lane 1 - shows the MeOH only extraction from the beginning of the above procedure
Shows 5-6 compounds and that these are 'M' type plants. Beginning of extraction a little dilute for much more data
Plate 1, lane 2 - MHRB comparison for 'T' type determination (Control)
Plate 1, lane 3 - PH1 Extraction - unsuccessful extraction final solution too dilute. Does show 'M' type plants
Plate 2 system: IPA:Ethyl Acetate:NH4OH (60:15:5) Viz: 1% Ethnolic Xanthydrol with Phosphoric Acid
Plate 2, lane 1 - MHRB Control
Plate 2, lane 2 - Unidentified Virola sp. bark - extraction irrelevant, was hoping for 5-MeO in the bark and not found
Plate 2, lane 3 - PH2 full extraction, resolving 3 compounds. 2 with xanthydrol, one with fluorescence (Red) at a high Rf.
Plate 3 system: n-Butanol:Acetic Acid:H2O (12:3:5) Viz: 1% Ethnolic Xanthydrol with HCl
Plate 3, lane 1 - MHRB control
Plate 3, lane 2 - Virola - irrelevant
Plate 3, lane 3 - PH2 full extraction, resolving at least 8 compounds with the highest Rf circled showing a red spot under longwave UV before Viz.
Edit (see post below):
The most abundant compound in these extractions (PH1 and PH2) appears to be 2-Me-6MeO-1,2,3,4,THBC indicated by the largest blue spot at the lower/mid Rfs, showing similar relative placement on Plate 3 with comparison to the data in Gander et al (1976). This would also correspond with Woods and Clark (1971) who found that "The free growth grass produced at best a faint trace of compounds in the T or DMeT regions, but the compounds in the B-Carboline region rose steadily throughout the season". Table 2 also shows that the clipped plants produced more of the B-carbolines than compared to the free growth plants and that the Tryptamine compounds slowly declined through the season after peak production.The other trace spots show 5-MeO with what are probably residual trace compounds in the bio-synthesis of 5-MeO and 2-Me-6MeO-1,2,3,4,THBC.The unexpected spot is the high Rf spot that glows Red under UV (top circle in Plate 3, lane3). It appears larger than the other trace spots and shows up in both Plate 2 and Plate 3. I've not run across a reference to anything that glows Red in UV with regard to P. arundinacea.
Also note that n-Butanol:AcOH:H2O was a better eluent for resolving compounds in Phalaris (on Silica Gel F 200 microns) and that Xanthydrol in HCL showed better colorimetric resolution for substituted and non-substituted compounds.
Dozuki attached the following image(s):
(1,374kb) downloaded 360 time(s).