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First Voyage into the Unknown Realms Options
Psychonaut In Orbit
#1 Posted : 12/5/2011 9:07:38 AM

Ancient Futuristic Organisms

Posts: 216
Joined: 05-Dec-2011
Last visit: 06-Apr-2022
Location: Realm of the Unknowns
(mind)Set: Pleasant even though these were some slightly stressful times in SWIM's life... SWIM's mind was clear and in full acceptance
(physical condition) Set: great
Setting (location): SWIM's bedroom, in the dark besides a small lamp being lit
time of day: around 19:00
recent drug use: Just Cannabis
last meal: around 17:00 ... big ass bowl of cereal lol.....

Gender: M
body weight: 109 kg (SWIM is a big guy)
known sensitivities: N/A
history of use: This was SWIM's first time ever


Substance(s): Cannibis & DMT
Dose(s): between 30-40 mg (more than enough for a first time dose)
Method of administration: smoked in bowl of Cannabis... SWIM put a little weed in the bowl then the dosage of DMT and then SWIM sprinkled a little more weed on top of the DMT dose... nice little sandwich


Administration time: 30 seconds... two pulls that SWIM held 15 seconds each
Duration: 20 minutes
First effects: Explosion of visuals, a warmness and tingling felt from the top of the head to the bottom of SWIMs feet.... felt the electricity of life charging through SWIMs whole body
Peak: peak came around 5 minutes in and lasted between 3-5 minutes....
Come down: after 15 minutes SWIM felt himself "coming back to Earth"
Baseline: at the 25 minute mark SWIM was completely back....

Intensity (overall): 4
Evaluation / notes: Unbelievable Shocked

Pleasantness: 4
Implesantness: 1 ( SWIM says one due to the anxiety of the rush when SWIM first inhaled but SWIM quickly let go and accepted everything DMT had to offer him....)
Visual Intensity: 4


Hangover: 0
Afterglow: 4 completely changed SWIM's life. Felt as if SWIM had hit the reset button on life. New outlook on a lot of things.... SWIMs body also felt wonderful... felt as though SWIM had just awoke from the freshest, longest, most rejuvenating slumber ever!


This is a report of SWIM's first ever travels to hyperspace. This happened two months ago. SWIM typed this report up then and saved it to someone's PC. Since SWIM found this site and registered SWIM felt he needed to share this with other psychonauts. SWIM has since experimented with DMT several times now (probably 60-70 times) so SWIM could say he's "somewhat" experienced with it. SWIM says this with respect because you could have ALL the experience in the world but still nothing can prepare you for what spice shows you.

In a dream...

SWIM was first introduced to DMT by way of a close friend. This close friend had been raving on and on about DMT. SWIM had several conversations about DMT with said friend and was interested in the talks of hyperspace and the absence of time. So after dreaming for months and months about this wonderful DMT... Swim was offered some for personal and spiritual travel. SWIM was grateful for this wonderful gift...

The day SWIM decided to embark on his journey was a momentous and wonderful day. He felt the "joyous anxiety" of finally getting a chance to feel and see the "Unknown Realms". SWIM invited his cousin over to witness this "awakening" just to make sure if things did go south then someone would be there to give assistance ( in retrospect this was not needed at all). SWIM decided that he was going to play some music while traveling so he got on the PC and started up his favorite Bob Marley playlist. Upon clicking the playlist a wave of calm flushed through the whole of SWIMs body.... this was the moment of eternity... the now... now or never was what echoed in SWIM's mind.

SWIM sat on the bed and eyeballed the bowl... wooooowwwww SWIM is REALLY doing this! SWIM looked at his cousin, then looked at the bowl again. Taking a deep breath he prepared himself for what was to come... futile really but SWIM didn't know what to expect. Upon exhaling his first breath of preparation the coldness of anxiety crept in... slowly spilling through his chest and flowing out to all his extremities. Doubt? No. Fear? Slight fear? Not completely but SWIM couldn't back down. A gift had been given so SWIM had to unwrap it to see, right?

SWIM flicked the lighter while holding the bowl to his anxious lips. Slowly he lowered the flame on to the "sandwich" of destiny. This is really happening! SWIM let the light hover over the bowl, as not to burn but slightly heat up the ingredients. He inhaled as deeply as he could... filling his vessel... saturating his inner being with this foreign smoke. He held the hit for 15 seconds. That taste... what is that? That smell? So new to his senses. Mothballs come to mind but it wasn't nearly as "stinky" ... more peculiar than anything. SWIM held the hit....only feeling the calm. Nothing yet? After 15 seconds SWIM exhaled and then immediately after, cleared the bowl with his second hit.

Whoa whoa whoa!!!!!! Midway between holding the second hit the "touch" of spice left it's fingerprints all over him. WHAT A RUSH. SWIM fell back onto his bed, folding in on this explosion of feelings (or should SWIM say implosion?). Upon closing his eyes SWIM felt himself being pulled away from the mundane... the fractals were the road signs... showing SWIM where he was headed. Unexplainable patterns flashed before his eyes....enormous, awe-inspiring, an ancient and futuristic geometry... intertwining with each other... ALL ORGANIC! The shapes are alive? The green wave of fractals moved forward, getting closer to SWIM... startling yet fascinating. SWIM was stuck in a trance by this gigantic tidal wave of patterns but he never feared... he had let go when the first visual showed itself ( along with the first wave of EXTREME euphoria and ecstasy coursing through his entire body). By this time SWIM was taking deep breaths of orgasmic bliss. The old self no longer registered, SWIM was a being of pure light and energy.

That realization rang true throughout SWIM's aura. He was a being of light and energy... at this moment the TRUE being of light showed itself, reflecting through the Unknown Realms. SWIM noticed this flickering to his left, pulling his attention away from the geometric organisms filling his vision. In front of this flickering was what seemed to be an outline of a city. The city reminded SWIM of the Taj Mahal, something ancient and majestic. This didn't translate smoothly because all knowledge from Earth could not translate into the Unknown Realms. The city dissipated, leaving this dancing diamond of supreme light. Can SWIM keep focus? What is to be revealed? SWIM tried, he really did but SWIM just was not ready for this beam of universals truths. SWIM tried to divert his third eye away from this blinding quasar of magnitude. Thinking he was successful at doing this, he smiled on the inside... it's not over. The diamond faded... and the "shadow entities" made themselves known... running across SWIM's field of vision.

Suddenly SWIM felt the pull again, and an atmosphere of cynicism. The entities told SWIM without words... well since you didn't want to see that then we will show you this... SWIM was pulled once again. Up Up Up Up... at warp speed SWIM was thrust out of the Unknown Realms and into deep space. Oh, the stars, the planets, this corner of the universe seemed so right. Instead of the void of darkness as the backdrop for these stars, it was a backdrop of living geometry. Shooting in and out of each star, each planet, each galaxy. SWIM could see the Universe breathing. WOOOOOOWWWWW. The last statement before re-entry... EVERYTHING IS ALIVE!!!!

SWIM slowly felt himself coming back, still taking orgasmic breaths. There were a few times where SWIM tried to talk but nothing but sounds could be made.... no language here... no words to describe. SWIM didn't rush it, he let the stars fade completely before trying to convey what had happened. Tears in his eyes he told his cousin "I know now"... with nothing else to be said. SWIM sat up and looked around. He wanted to hug his cousin, he wanted to kiss the ground, he wanted to thank whoever and whatever for this experience. The gratefulness poured out of him and SWIM was changed from the inside out. SWIM felt as though he had taken something from the Realm and left something there... it was meant to be...

Upon opening his eyes everything seemed to have a pulse, wavy and breathing, everything left a ripple. SWIM was truly touched by the forces that govern life. Profound and mysterious... DMT had penetrated SWIM with it's light and electricity. The ancient and futuristic geometry that is coded in every organism was etched in his brain for eternity... time has no role in the Unknown Realms!

To be honest, SWIM could never fully portray what he saw while in hyperspace. SWIM would say these words may explain roughly 25% what he saw and even then these words do not explain. It can't be explained... it must be done to know and then will one only truly know what the "unknown" feels like....
1% of reality is within our plane of existence. What we feel... what we see... what we hear... what we "think" we know... The other 99% percent of reality can only be shown to us through DMT. This 99% lies within the "Realm of the Unknowns". We can only experience FULL reality when we leave this vessel, our bodies. DMT gives us a taste of this full reality... the universal knowledge is given to us by the beings who call "hyperspace" their home. When in hyperspace there is no "self" but instead this self is replaced with pure and raw energy. ENERGY CAN NOT BE DESTROYED, ONLY TRANSFERRED OR TRANSFORMED! So when you have that "ego-death" during a breakthrough trip, don't fret, you are not being destroyed but yet..... YOU ARE BEING TRANSFORMED.

I LOVE YOU, RESPECT YOU AND I THANK YOU... Dimethyltryptamine ... for showing me the 99% of reality that I would never have experienced in everyday life.

*All posts under this moniker, Psychonaut In Orbit, is for entertainment and research purposes only. All events stated to have happened, or witnessed are all heresay and fictional*

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