Interesting report...
My first thoughts, as with others here, is that there are far more interesting entities for you to interact with. The idea that you seek out this
particular one again, even out of pure curiosity, seems perhaps a bit OCD. No offense.
When you have the opportunity to interact with
truly cosmic beings of vast intelligence and mind-boggling power... a little sneaky fingered
gremlin variant [some type of kobold or Gollum-esque lurker] doesn't seem like it could offer you all that much.
Although, the fact that it is relatively weak and somewhat timid might make it easier for you to dictate the playing field and various particulars of your encounter, I still recommend against it.
Bending the will of weak hyper spatial, demonic, and spiritual beings to one's will is a very old practice... we call it
sorcery (among other things). The problem with practicing sorcery, is that most sorcerers end up psychotic and/or possessed. It is
very difficult to ascertain the actual power of an entity. Just because one might run from you, rather than press his luck... or you manage to get the drop on one... in no way indicates that with his back to the wall, he might not prove crafty and resourceful enough to best you. (like a badger or a fox)
Especially so, since you have no real idea what you're doing.
You could be able to best minor demons and bend them to your will 9/10 times and still wind up screwed sideways to Sunday on the 10th time.
In my humble opinion, it is best to avoid any contact with beings that are not
clearly light beings. Associating with the darker entities (and your little lurker is definitely at least deeply gray), besides being somewhat dangerous, holds only a minor promise of benefit or wisdom. It is often difficult to trust the words or thoughts of such tricky creatures. Think Rumpelstiltskin.
I say seek out and associate only with the highest possible beings you can find. Much more rewarding to associate with angelic and godlike entities who can gift you with things that are truly valuable... who can instruct you on raising your own vibration and the
ways of miracles rather than merely base magics, illusions and trickery. Any entity that needs to stick its fingers {tentacles, pseudopods, filaments etc.} into your head or heart in order to interface with you, is
usually not that high. There are exceptions, but most entities worth chatting with have mastered
I have met primal elementals and organic cellular organisms (peptide, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, and other organelle looking mo'fos), though, that tend to want to glob onto you, and can even be helpful in pulling out blocked energy, poisons, unfriendly growths etc. They seem rather mindless, and are not big talkers... unlikely to share with you any secrets of the universe, or lift you to any divine states. Generally, when you meet them, they are directed to you for a purpose by a higher entity... like a witch doctor applying leeches or something like that.
Any who... I wish you all the best in your journeys. Love to hear more of your experiences. Again, I wouldn't go seeking Mr. sneaky fingers. But then again, I never got why Bilbo and Sam hung out with Gollum either.
are such things as
mind shields, by the way. If you
do decide to associate with the less trustworthy sort of hyperspace entities, you may
seriously want to avail yourself of such techniques (full aura shields or better).
Be well.
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice
"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha