I understand there is anxiety over ordering chemicals over the internet because it could be a government set up.
The government feels awkward when private citizens order chemicals/supplies like formadehyde, chloroform, DCM, NaOH, acetone, HDPE, evaporation dishes, pipettes, etc etc. all at one time.
If there was a website that could sell all of these things EXCEPT FOR DMT CONTAINING PRODUCTS, and was run by an individual who kept all information confidential and private, and shipped everything the same way, would this be a good thing for the community? Would people use it?
What concerns would there be about this?
I can see some one being paranoid thinking that it was just a government sting to collect addresses. To counter this, all one would have to do is not admit that they have ever ordered from them on dmt-nexus or the intenet. Or give there addresses out to people on this site.
What do you think? Feedback?