Hey everyone!
I am not really sure how I ended up here, on this forum and with this interest in Spice I have developed but I am happy to be here and amazingly reassured by many of the posts I have read.
You all seem like a lovely group of super supportive people from which I can expand my horizons and learn a heck of a lot from.
I decided to not read any of the other posts on here until I had finished mine. So here goes....
I am a 27 year old female from the UK. I consider myself to be pretty happy go lucky and generally have a good positive outlook on life.
So, Spice. When I was in Ibiza as a 23 year old I ended up having a huge conversation to a hippy type guy that lived over there and worked as a magician. He was my first introduction to Spice, I had never heard of it before and had no notion at all it even existed.
My experience of tripping was at the time limited to Shrooms. A hell of a lot of them when I was younger. The weren't the best for me and I didn't treat them with anything like the respect they deserved.
This guy (I so wish I could remember his name) told me about how when you die your brain (In his words) releases a shit load of Spice and you need to do it before you die to get to the next astral plane. Now I am not saying this is the reason I have ended up trying it, but I was curious. Very much so in fact. I didn't really to anything at the time to appease my curiosity other than a pretty half hearted attempt at a Google search.
So, then for 4 years, I didn't touch anything drug wise.
I have always had a soft spot for Mandy, think I always will then back in June I did some again for the first time in 4 years, and had a ball as I always have.
One time after a night out I got onto the subject with my friend about Spice. For some reason I had become really interested in trip reports about it. I had watched and read a hell of a lot of them.
I should also mention at this point I have still never done anything some hallucinogenic than Shrooms, I have always wanted to try Acid, but the length of the trip put me off and I didn't like the how it was made. Slightly hypocritical I know, given my stance on Mandy, but I would want my trip to be organic.
3 weeks ago I was at my boyf's house and we were just chilling watching a flim when he gets a text from his friend asking us if we wanted any. My first reaction to it, without even thinking about it was "FUCK YES" I couldn't believe it found me without me having to even do anything for it.
There was a mixture of excitement and nervous butterflies in my tummy the rest of that night about it.
The week after was a friends house party. Now, I wasn't sure if that would be the best place for me to do it. In reality, I didn't even know HOW we were going to go it. 4 of us got 60mg each. I know the dose seems a little high form what I have read, but the guy we got it from said it wasn't as strong as normal so wanted to make up for it.
We were all on Mandy, and were having a good read on various sources about it. We didn't have a pipe, which lead to some hilarity of a friend trying to fashion one from foil. This was about 9am on a Saturday morning. We had been awake all night.
I decided I wanted to try it too much to risk screwing up with an inappropriate pipe and wondered down to my local head shop to get a pipe.
So I made a half arsed attempt at trying to choose a pipe, I didn't really know what I was looking for. The guy behind the counter asked if he were able to help so I asked him what the best pipe was. He started going off on a tangent about how really it was just personal preference and it was down to each person.
He then asked me what I was planning to smoke, so replied to him Spice. His face lit up.
He told me how amazing it would be and what the best way to go about it was. In all honesty, he really put my mind at rest, convering with someone in real life who had done it felt SO reassuring.
Fast forward a hour and me and the boyf are home, on my bed in my beautiful, girlified hippieish room with my fairy lights and incense on.
I load the spice into the pipe on a bed of ash. I am nervous, exited, unsure of what is going to happen, which the biggest knot in my stomach.
First hit. I DID NOT HOLD THIS FOR LONG ENOUGH. I am a pretty good hash smoker and could have done SO much better. Far too much smoke came out. Still I could feel something, I didn't know what.
Next hit, MUCH better. I held it for ages. I was starting to go though. I was losing it.
I managed to take one more hit, and that was it.
Visually I was seeing a grid with huge green and pink spots separating the lines. Ok, at this point I am still pretty ok.
Then I close my eyes and the first thing I see is a temple in a forest with these orange and blue patterns or lines taking up half it it.
It was actually really beautiful.
Arrrgh, what the hell it this feeling? Why I am not breating? I opened my eyes slightly paniced. I asked my boyf if I was ok. I had fallen victim to the whole perception of time slowing down thing and ended up panicked.
He told me I was fine and he was there to look after me. In reality I have having a really hard time with how I was feeling physically as I have never come up from any strong hallucinogens and having spoken to him I now understand that is similar to how you feel on Acid.
I managed to calm down and get back into it. I knew I had too much disturbance to break though, which for me was actually the best thing.
I closed my eyes again and saw beautiful patterns. There patterns were forming from something from the start of them with was like a golden statue head. Where the head moved from the pattens would then follow.
This went on for maybe 10 or so. Then I started to feel I was getting back to normal and opened my eyes. Everything in the room was breathing. It was very pretty, and it felt nice to be feeling normalish again.
SO. I want to try it again, this time knowing what I am going to feel and let myself relax a little more than I did. It was a big thing to me to try it. I want to go into my next go with no expectations and leave myself 100% open to the experience and see where it takes me
Anyways, I think that is about me done. I didn't actually intent to write this much.
I would just like to say thanks so much for a really amazing forum