eye am a fellow
from canada
have been travelling different planes and places for a while...an intentional festival goer....a Psydub DJ...yadda yadda
much experience with lucy, adam, 2C family, foxy ladies, sacred mushrooms, salvia divinorum (found some fresh stuff at a eco-village on a volcano in nicagaua once...another story) DXM, kittens (my fave), mary jane (although i feel i've "grown out" of it's use, dont like to be bogged down by it i find...personal feelings only though, no disrespect!).. and other substances...pretty much anything, if safely and respectfully done. except amphetamines. they are no fun in the long run.
eye love to read, and ever since being young and reading sci-fi the likes of Bear, Heinline, Vance, Asimov, Herbert (many others)
it seemed a natural progression to topics such as spirituality and religious "mysteries", (lady of fatimah? )alien abduction, OBE's, and the like...which later lead to entheogens, psychedelics,shamanic cultures and the 60's spiritual/psychedlic happenstances...
I'm well versed in McKenna, Leary, Ram Dass, Stanislov Grof...yadda yadda.....
ive recently been digesting a lot of Robert Anton Wilson, Fred Alan Wolf, Micho Kaku, Krishnamurti, and Jung....
but this is not unlike a reading list. sorry.
what brings me to you is the fact that I have recently acquired, after searching a good while, some DMT, and have been experimenting alone....i dont have many friends that are interested in it, most want to do psychedelics and dance to electronic music. (which isnt a bad thing!) DMT isnt a party drug though, and i'm glad to have found this forum for a bit of insight.
Small trip reports of the more interesting ones...although im having trouble breaking through, mainly anxiety i think, not being ballsy enough to go all the way.
ive smoked maybe half a dozen times, most were just cool very intense LSD/mushroom like hallucinations, but defiantly different. fractals in everything, and "zipping apart" of the objects in the room...plus the usual tryptamine introspection on beingness. not that that is anything to be flippant about!
- (maybe was the chrysanthemum? ) houndstooth/fractal blue black and red ...sort of multiplied snake being in my living room showing me a small glyph-like object, and asking me to enter into it, im scared and decline, it wears off and back to the minor effects.
-i dont "blast off", but every object in my room seems to turn into a language sort of unreadable words flowing out of everything, yet it was also the substance that they were constructed of, and moved around quite a bit. very confusing, i forgot if i smoked DMT or not and wondered if i had lost my mind and Huxley's perceptual filters were permanently lifted...very funny though, I was laughing throughout.
anyways, sorry for the rant, im drinking some wine and thought id actually post a bit in one of my new Web hang out spots.