Sounds like you had a blast(literally) lol. Your experience is pretty typical. Question, was your eyes open or closed? Or at that point did it even matter?
I ask, because from my understanding there are typically 3 different types of trips one can experience. Open eyed visuals, closed eyed visuals, outer body experiences. All three to me seem very different from one another. Regular open eyed visuals seem like I am shifted into the astral world, except that I am still where I was when I started the trip, aka still on my couch or bed or whatever. So, it seems as though my surroundings somewhat change and morph, but I am still where I was initially. These experiences can still be breathtakingly amazing and intense.
Closed eyed visuals are somewhat similar, as I get shifted into the astral world though unlike the open eyed visuals, the closed eyed visuals have the ability to take me places but at the same time I am for the most part aware of where I am. However, without it seems without having all the clutter in the physical world around me to soak up my attention, when I close my eyes during the experience my hallucinations might go from normal with eyes open to the most crazy whacked out impossible things with my eyes closed.
Finally, it seems like the other type is an actual OBE. At this point it doesn't matter if your eyes are opened are closed as you won't even remember or be able to tell. You are not where you were before, and nothing is as it was. This experience though, unlike the other ones, seems to be more realistic except for the fact that your flying through space, shooting beams of light from your body and still see and interact with the most impossible things...
Regular open and closed eyed visuals I believe is a combination of 2 possibly 3 things. One, and usually the most common and most impacting aspect is your own mind. I believe that we do project many of the things we see during a hallucination. I also believe that the drug itself is a form of intelligence, and once we stop driving the experience and let it take over, it will manifest many answers... This is an external force, which we can sort of steer like a car... So, you can drive and see cool colors, or you can let the dmt drive and see the answers to the universe. Then the final part, and this part I am not really sure of yet as it may just be an extension of #2. But that is spirits. If DMT is truly a gateway to spirits, then they may be in fact imposing their own ideas into our hallucinations for whatever purpose they have.
But my point was, I believe if you were outside of your body, then you were in fact in an astral projection and it is now outside of your minds eye for the most part. At this time, you may be manifesting a partial reality, but the culmunitive reality is still being created by external forces. So, it is possible you actually reached this level, and did in fact travel to the void. And, in case you were'nt aware, the void aka the abyss is a real place documented by different religions, notably occult religions, who believe that the universe is formed by multiple layers like an onion. The level right outside of this material level is what is known as the abyss. You might have gotten to go visit... Alister Crowley(spelling) said that his first OBE experience was as a kid at 12 years old I believe he said, where he actually left his body and travelled to the abyss. This formed his long lasting stance as an occultist, which in the end led to his worship for satan and the apparent horrible acts he committed through his life.
Now not saying that it is related to you in anyway, I mean he was an evil person... But, interesting to know that the place you been could possibly be a real thing.