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Have you ever witnessed "Aliens" while on DMT? Options
#21 Posted : 11/13/2011 12:44:55 PM
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nen888 wrote:
..are we talking 'alien' as in from another star system, or 'alien' to this universe?
of the former kind, many years ago had a spice experience in which i believed 'they' have been here a long time, genetically incorporated into our brains as and passed from generation to generation..the latter kind told me (hyper-telepathically) not to worry about this..Smile

I was initially referring to aliens from another planet i.e. greys.
Isn't that worrying? You have aliens in your head and you're told to ignore it. Logically I assume you had an experience where you encountered space aliens and concluded they exist outside the realm of DMT influence, and whatever subsequent thoughts you had thereafter. You, consciously or subconsciously, was in disbelief or afraid, and so another trip brought out that disbelief, or attempted to heal it.

I had similar experiences. One trip where alien greys, computer-like techno characters, white beings, and other "entities" visited me, abducted me, took me outside of normal reality or "awakened me", and basically told me I create everything with my thoughts. After being distraught and having feelings of depersonalization and derealization for days thinking nothings real and that I'm creating it, I forced myself to not be afraid and just deal with it. So the next time I delved in I went back to the "outside" to a white void and met an invisible entity, he was saying something but I can't remember. But as it wore off I realized I do create reality with my thoughts, or rather I create my perception of reality with thoughts and senses. We already know that, DMT only helped fix what it broke.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#22 Posted : 11/13/2011 12:55:39 PM
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..there are many fearsome things in this universe for sure, but, no, the 'greys' or various other kinds don't concern me in the end, as the big Alien, that is alien to the aliens, has everything under control..Smile

ps. hoonsince89's encounter sounded more 'curious' than threatening..
#23 Posted : 11/13/2011 1:55:47 PM

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Geines wrote:

I was initially referring to aliens from another planet i.e. greys.
Isn't that worrying? You have aliens in your head and you're told to ignore it.

I don't know about ignoring it. It's just that on DMT these kind of encounters are quite "normal".

Aliens in your head sounds freaky. I think they just move through the waves that come from us.
#24 Posted : 11/13/2011 2:17:19 PM
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Aliens in your head sounds freaky.
there could be aliens in your gut, or at the bottom of the compost heap..they are probably everywhere on umpteen channels..from a shamanic or buddhist perspective they are merely distractions...
#25 Posted : 11/15/2011 1:22:45 AM
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To the OP....I suppose it depends on how you define "aliens".
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