First and foremost let me say that it's a pleasure to have found this online community and such a wealth of information. In this bizarre and manipulated world of ours DMT Nexus serves as a reminder of the collaborative prowess of people to subvert misplaced law and spiritual imprisonment through free sharing of information. All information, regardless of it's moral colour and content is valuable. In the matrix of collective consciousness all contributions give us an opportunity to reflect on ourselves and draw our own individual conclusions. All good and evil actions are mirrors of our internal worlds and necessitate our own personal feedback into the cosmic soup of the evolution of everything. As far as I can tell.
DMT Nexus obviously attracts those interested in esoteric information and experiences. It is yet another website that reminds us that the internet is a powerful tool. Whilst ubiquitous and taken for granted, we are beginning to see a push towards internet monitoring and censorship all over the world. (see or for example) Sites like this and many others remind us that our right to free information of any nature and anonymous sharing of that information must be maintained at all costs. The internet reminds many of us that much information we get from institutions is expensive, incorrect or just plain redundant.
I would like to become a member of the forum to further my understanding of the spirit molecule, and its potential applications in therapy and self-awareness. I have a good general understanding of conventional psychology, hypnosis, chemistry, psychoactives. I also enjoy NLP and communication studies, and the concept of the biocomputer and programming as presented by Dr. John C. Lilly. Having had vivid DMT experiences previously, my pet chihuahua yearns for his own DMT extract rituals and seeks guidance from experienced travelers to better navigate these inner realities. He also has a line of intrigued potential inductees of whom he thinks given the right information, the spirit molecule could be highly beneficial to.
Godspeed all!
'Everybody wants to be somebody, no one wants to grow' - Goethe