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Is it common to get sick from Changa? Options
#1 Posted : 10/31/2011 5:25:08 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I just tried Changa for the first time and felt like I was going to puke. Only smoked 1 hit out of a one-hitter pinchie.Shocked I did trip pretty hard for about 5 minutes (no-breakthrough) but am hesitant to do it again. I used 91% IPA with 50 mg caapi leaf, 50 mg vine, 30 mg mullein, 30 mg peppermint, and 100 mg FB DMT.

I wanted a strong, evenly balanced blend but didn't expect it to make me so damn sick.


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 10/31/2011 5:37:29 AM


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Analyze and listen to the sickness. Where is it originating, and why? Ask. Drink some water and relax every muscle in your body. Sit comfortable and with good posture. Take a bite out of a piece of fruit and don't smoke DMT on a thanksgiving-full stomach. That is my advice... Sickness can occur from something diet related, energetic/emotion related, stress related, environment, many things, really. I have learned things about myself by being sick on psychedelics. Instances like this have been messages/markers along my path allowing me to find a way to balance what feels right. Also, sit with your friend mr. bucket, because if you have to purge, don't hold it in! Yes this is common, necessary, and normal.
#3 Posted : 10/31/2011 5:48:05 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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^ Enlightening advice, thank you. I just didn't expect to get sick from such a small amount.

If, after meditating on the variables you listed I find I'm still getting sick, then do you think I have too much vine in the blend?
#4 Posted : 10/31/2011 5:54:05 AM


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I am rather confident it's not the blend, but things you must make adjustments to within. Nausea is fairly common with both harmalas and DMT. You learn, if you listen, how to feel the best when you are there, which leaks into every moment here. Also, you may just have some things you need to purge.
#5 Posted : 10/31/2011 12:42:57 PM

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۩ wrote:
Also, you may just have some things you need to purge.

Indeed. Let it out, don't fight it, work with your body instead of against it. The times I have purged on psychedelics, I have felt great afterwards, although it may be stressful at the time. Also I have found since switching from bong to vaporiser, my trips have not only been clearer, but less nauseous, you may want to have a look at your smoking method.
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#6 Posted : 11/1/2011 9:11:54 AM

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Zip wrote:

I'll second the possible smoking method diagnosis. I've never gotten sick from changa and I typically use a glass hand pipe or bong over my GVG for it -- almost got sick once, but that was in like the third hour of the session and with a strong blend, whereas yours looks fairly mellow with mullein and peppermint added. It definitely doesn't seem common from my readings-around, but shrug.

I did have a nasty reaction to some caapi leaf I bought once from Maya, however, but it was more of an allergy thing. Blech.

How would smoking method affect nausea? And no, I can tell you for a fact it isn't mellow. I was tripping balls from one little hit. I used slightly bigger than a BB sized amount in a pinchie, which effectively vaporized all the material.
#7 Posted : 11/1/2011 3:36:52 PM

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could be cycbersickness as explained here (4th post down)

try some ginger root ... or some natural gravol (only ingredient is ginger root extract)... works like a charm

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#8 Posted : 11/8/2011 6:07:16 AM

Chen Cho Dorge

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Swim has never felt nausea, swim has purged but this was when it needed to happen and due to intentional focus on cleansing. When people focus on changa for that purpose that's what they seem to get. Swimmknows a handful of people who relate to changa in the same maned as one does ayahuasca and it works the same way for them as it would ayahuasca. The way changa works swim really doesn't think it's possible for it to different create nausea and vomiting, as ayahuasca does. Pharmacologically speaking we are working with different mechanisms.
But you know people can feel nausea just from spice itself. Not uncommon.
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Offical Changa web sitehttp://changa.esotericpharma.org/

#9 Posted : 11/8/2011 6:34:27 AM
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..it is possible to induce gut effects from smoking MAOIs, this was demonstrated in experments by myself, friends and D.M.Turner in the 90s..[am looking for notes and hoping for follow up experiments]..the level of gut inhibition is not as strong as with ayahuasca, but it can be there, depending on dosage, rate of use, sensitivity, diet and other substances ingested..
what was in the changa blend? what was consumed the day beforehand?
#10 Posted : 11/10/2011 11:28:38 PM

Chen Cho Dorge

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That seems anecdotal. But I'm curious about if the actual psychopharmacology will back that up.
Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

Offical Changa web sitehttp://changa.esotericpharma.org/

#11 Posted : 11/11/2011 3:03:54 AM
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..as far as i understand it, once enough of an MAO inhibiting compound has entered the blood stream, inhibition occurs throughout the system (i.e brain, gut, liver etc) ..above a certain dose all MAO in the system is being affected..
..the reports are anecdotal, but multi-anecdotal...
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