I really believe that I have stumbled upon something very powerful here.
Which is why I also believe that I'm not the first person to work with my mind in this way. In fact I'm sure thousands of people have crossed paths with the fundamental concept behind this meditation. I've picked up on this flavor in religious traditions, philosophical ideas, human psychology, psychedelic experiences, you name it.
Anyhow, here's how you do it:
You don't.
It's the art of learning to
stop trying. Learn to free yourself of any desire and intention. And, very importantly,
even the intention to meditate.
That's it, really. It's the most powerful method of achieving transcendent experience, enhancing creativity, thinking about things from new angles, and empowering the mind in many other ways, that I have ever experimented with.
One tip: to get into this state of mind, try telling yourself that nothing is wrong. No sight, no sound, no feeling, no thought, is bad or wrong. Accept everything that comes your way with a welcoming attitude and a smile. Don't reject or fight anything. Even if you're FIGHTING fighting fighting (which you WILL be, before you learn to let go), don't fight it. You see? Don't even fight the fight. I hope this is making some sense.
O.K. Now, I dare you to try this out for yourself!