Hi Guardian, welcome to the nexus
I think many here have experienced exactly what your talking about, but to different degrees
this happens to me daily as well..a lot of times, i will wonder why i am thinking such a random and irrelevant thought that seems to just float in..until i later realize it is reflecting something i hadn't known yet, or something that was about to happen..One eery example of dozens i usually keep to myself:
One random day in january i found myself thinking about earthquakes, and vividly day dreaming about experiencing one and the possible destruction it would cause. There are never any earthquakes in my area and i've never even felt one- nor do i have any special interest in them. I never really think about them.. after long daydreaming, i thought "what the hell am i thinking about this for", and laughed at my trivial mind meanderings and how i was wasting time..
The next day in class, my teacher (whos name was jesus btw) was rambling about his old days in the army..At one point he made some disgusting remarks about the japenese, and was basically talking about how we dropped the bomb on them..but in a very disrespectful and joking manner. I then had a sort of intense image of millions of mangled bodies in water exploding through the door and annihilating this arrogant prick..then i thought wait what- there wasn't any water involved in the nagasaki and hiroshima bombings?..i went about my day. A few hours later, as i'm walking down a hallway, i catch the news that an earthquake had hit just off the coast of japan, and triggered a tsunami causing the death of thousands. Just one weird example
after recording and studying dreams for years, i've also noticed a correlation between them and future events in my life and others..among other things. I think these things happens to countless people who don't notice it, but once you start noticing it, it seems to happen more and more. Or maybe you just notice it more..or both..who really knows with this stuff? I try to avoid coming to any conclusions..but its fun to entertain the idea that it may be like a muscle that, once you exercise it enough, you will know without a doubt that your intuition in the given situation is spot on. Shamans seem to do just that
It happened to me before psychedelics, but they definitely supercharge whatever it is that is going on here
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"