i became a full member yesterday, i did not ask, i knew it would happen.
just keep making valuable posts and it will happen for you too, make one well thought out post a day and you'll be a full member in no time.
if you're referring to the pineal gland, i think that there is no proof but only a theory that dmt was produced here, i haven't done a lot of study on this matter so i cant give more information, you might have heard someone like joe rogan say that it was produced here, there is no proof and he probably heard a reference to rick strassman's theory.
i think you should watch the film "the spirit molecule" if you have not already, it is very interesting a definitely worth watching for not only people interested in dmt and or other psychedelics/entheogens but for many others too.
just remember that the more you ask for full membership, the less likely it will happen, well thought out posts and a positive attitude is the key.
good luck.
my name, is nobody.
*Gantz Grof is a fictional character created as part of an interactive experimental hyperreal novel concept
Gantz Grof exists within "Meta-Novel" which you are currently reading, and therefore a part of.
As one critique of Meta-Novel said:
"if Meta-Novel is fiction, then what is reality?"
As nein critiques said:
"Genius" "Fresh" "the new IN!"
Meta-Novel draws its inspiration from the likes of Kaufman, Jarmusch and others, who coincidentally stole the idea from the creator of Gantz Grof and Meta-Novel.
Meta-Novel is all rights reserved, Once existing within Metaverse, one is owned and belongs to Meta-Novel itself, and therefore also the creator of Meta-Novel