Hi folks!
I'm absolutely new around these parts, and I thought it might be appropriate to introduce myself. I'm from Norway, the deep forests. Early thirties. I enjoy life, light, love and all in between. Fourteen years ago, I was nineteen, and, having decided some years earlier that I would once try lsd, I did. As expected, it blew my mind. This rejuvenated my slumbering spiritual quest. It has been steadily undulating and exponentionally increasing in intensity ever since. My new-found love for psychedelics, and knowledge thereof, led me to read Peter Staffords Psychedelics Encyclopedia, among other works on the subject. The chapter about dmt, det and dpt struck a chord in me. Or something. I immediately decided I would once try this intriguing psychedelic. But not then. Actually, I imagined that it would take a loooooong time before I would find myself ready to try this notoriously explosive tryptamine. I also decided that I would wait until it was introduced to me AND I felt ready for it; let synchronicities take care of organizing and logistics. That way, I knew that whenever it happened, I would be ready for it, and all would be fine, no matter how obliterating the experience. I continued to read experience reports, scientific research, philosophical pathways ignited by dmt, on and off, for years. I never stressed the obtaining of spice, even when I knew it was obtainable.
Then, in the summer of 2007, I had a friend living in my apartment. One day he had something I now understand must have been changa. Me, him and a group of friends went hiking in the woods and swam and frolicked in a lake, before we all returned to the apartment and smoked changa in a circle on the livingroom floor. I remember holding the second toke, and seeing the faces of those sitting opposite me explode in detail. No added colours, just the same scenario in some multidimensional perspective. I laid back and closed my eyes, and, not being distracted by the tapestry of organically morphing royal blue, red and golden fractal pattern in front of me, I noticed a change in space. A distinct feelinng that space "expanded" from a cubic/hexadronal 3d-space to a dodecahedronal 5d-space. I immediately knew, from the utter smoothness of the experience, regardless of the phenomenal space-upgrade and the organic tapestry, that this was not a breakthrough. In fact, it led me to believe that breakthrough with changa was an unusual event. (Btw, it wasn't called changa, but bolivian chocolate or something like that.) It was still the afternoon when we returned from our collective trip. I felt as though I had washed my soul in a crystal clear mountain stream. This feeling of utter cleanliness, serenity and pure life-force persisted the rest of the night and the following day. The next four years was spent cleansing my soul, opening my heart and walking into brick walls I put up for myself so I would know when I was walking in the wrong direction. In august this year, I could finally start reaping the fruits of my subtle endeavor. Last summer I wanted to be ready, I thought I was ready, but I was wrong. Now, however, I knew I was ready. Synchronisity set me up accordingly. Two weeks ago, I had my second to fifth encounters with dmt, in the form of changa, while visitng some friends. Session 2-5 were all sub-breakthrough, yet magnificently powerful. The following monday, when I got back to my home, late at night, I made a fire in the fireplace, Measured out approximately 1/8 of a gram of changa, I was told it was quite strong, at 50% dmt. I meditated for five minutes, then, when I felt ready, hit it. I overdosed drastically. I was totally annihilated. I'll write a trip report about it as soon as I'm allowed to, as it deserves some space of it's own. But, yes, annihilated. Utterly. The parts I can remember were infinitely painful and scary, yet wonderful at the same time. Luckily, there is no place for anything but light were I was transported, or were I became, words fail utterly. As soon as I returned from this utter annihilation, I could barely contain myself for joy. The term Eureka! must have been coined for coming back from a full-on, end-of-the-line, dmt excursion. Well, that's an introduction I guess. I could write for years about God aka Wow! and green emerald women of watery grace and incredible synchronisities and what-have-you, but I feel the most courteous thing to do now is to stop writing and say Love And Grace! Look forward to getting to know you people and start bouncing ideas and experiences!
The light says "eeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaoooooooooiiiiiieeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoooooooooiiiiiieeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoooooooiiiiiieeeeeeeeea