Hi everyone
Surfing the web shopping for Sally ( long time buddy who opened my eyes on the "parallel universes" I came around mhrb and san pedro. Being of a super curious nature I started doing research on this product and ended up here. A month a half later I have 4 extractions done 3 stb and 1 a/b with pretty decent results for the newbie I am.
I have no big chemistry background but learned the basics in highschool and have the opportunity to learn easely so I made my way trough the different extraction teks without too much problems and with a good
understanding of the steps required toward a good result.
I still haven't fully tried my product but im taking my time and making baby steps into this direction. ( I can only rely on the members of this forum for info on spice. I know no one around me that has even heard of this godly product.) I have to admit that im a bit scared even if I've consumed way worse things in my life.
I'm the kind of person that will ask alot of questions and that will post theories since I beleive that sharing tought can only help us progess.
(We have something to learn from every questions we come across in life and if we already know the answer it can always benefit to someone else so as we've heard a thousand times in our life : There's no stupid question
I would like to be part of this community and be able to share my experiences and progess or just chat about phylosophy.
Because i find entheogens let us learn about ourselves and see other sides of our daily reality and this can always be discussed in a phylosophical way.
Thanks for spending some time reading this post
Pls dont flame me for spelling mistakes. English isnt my first lang.