This was written for the general public, not the experienced psychonauts(I know, I'm preaching to the choir here LOL). I wanted to share my thoughts here none the less. Sorry English is not my strongest trait.
Ive spoken to a couple people about using plant substances to assist spiritual growth. Ive gotten some negative remarks regarding it but I just wanted to share my perspective on it.
Ive heard things such as you can achieve nirvana or peace or whatever you may call it without the use of a plant or "DRUGS!".
For sure! Ive done that myself and it is amazing and I still do it! However, these plants help us to stay in the present moment in an accelerated fashion. Thats why you enjoy music/food more on marijuana for example, its because it helps you to give it almost 100% of your attention.
You aren't dwelling in the past or the future and its the "NOW" that matters the most... you start to question things... like the big picture because your mind is free and elimanates the fear of the past and the future.
But have you ever thought that these plants that grow on our planet are here for a purpose as well? If you have ever interacted with a plant spirit before, youd understand that for some of them, it is their sole purpose to heal us, please us and guide us through our life.
Why do we have so much trouble/resistance into recieving help/assistance/enlightment from the usage of these plants?
Is it simply our ego preventing us from growing?("I dont need that that will make me look weak" voice) and the social stigma attached to the usage of these plants because we are afraid of being judged by other people and weve been told its weak and a form of escape?
One of our biggest lessons in life is to learn to recieve and give and be grateful. We always have a hard time recieving help from people and plants for that matter even when its offered unconditionally.
Sure I can move from an apartment to another apartment by myself but with the help of people I can accelerate the process and enjoy their company as well.
Same with meditation, I sure can meditate for an hour and reach to that moment of pure bliss and happiness and I can also use a plant substance to reach to that point and even far beyond that in a much faster timeframe.
This is not just about marijuana... by the way, its about all entheogenic plants!
Here is an example lesson from a friend who had a moment with a strawberry spirit after ingesting it and and then under an influence of an entheogen.
" I met and communed with the spirit of strawberry and It told me about the way it attracts those to it by offering sensual pleasure, that this is how it has thrived over the years because of this gift, and encouraged me to think of offering my gifts in like."
Look at this beautiful metaphorical lesson, short and sweet and priceless!!!
Remember that abuse of any action can be detrimental to your well being. Also you must also respect these plants because if you are just using them for the hell of tripping, they will kick your butt and teach you a nice lesson!
Wake up! Plants are here to accelerate our growth people! and heal us as well!! Since our time is so limited on this precious planet, take advantage of it while it lasts.