I'd been soaking the rootbark for a month according to the ways of the peoples who resurrected/were resurrected by the brew; no heat, no acids. I have taken to preparing my bark this way to preserve the particular spirit (phytochemicals) of the plant, finding jurema prepared in this manner to be an equal to Ayahuasca and experientially unique, rather than another DMT admixture.
The liquid had gone from the usual lovely clearish garnet color it takes on after a week or so of soaking to a dark red-violet that appeared almost black. This batch was extremely full of tannins, probably defeating the purpose of the cold-water extraction, other than yuramamine and tradition. Purging was basically a requirement of drinking the stuff.
After taking 3.5 grams of ground harmel, encapsulated, along with 4 seeds of what I have tentatively ID'd as Datura wrightii, the Sacred Datura, collected in Arizona. I waited an hour before drinking ~100 ml/9 grams of the brew. This batch fights from the moment it touches the lips. I have taken various anahuasca brews around 25 times and have begun to develop a psychological revulsion and resistance to taking them, in that the upper sphincter of my stomach refuses to let the swill in, and I regurgitate only to swallow it again. This happens most with jurema, and makes taking it twice as difficult. (better believe I never spit it out! I'd rather swallow and puke than spit it out).
I held the stuff from thirty to fourty-five minutes before la purga, singing a little song to myself- "O enchanted, enchant me". The purge was strong, but afterwards I drank another ~90 ml of brew along with a small unweighed amount of harmel. By this time I was feeling the general "piquing" that is the initial stage of tryptamine intoxication/illumination, and within five minutes things started shimmer and the activity behind my eyelids began weaving braids of red plasma.
The first stage was this:
Sitting on the rubbery beach grass, watching the pacific crash into the north american continent, soaking in the warmth of the sun, while it is still there. The radiance warming my back, I sang a song to myself that I don't quite recall to a tune that sounded very much like an english nursery rhyme. The jurema began opening up parts of my mind, thumbing through my memories and thoughts, as if it were slithering into my brain and searching methodically for something in my psyche or perhaps just getting to know me more intimately. The grass began to take on form, symbols revealing themselves in what normally seems like the random arrangement of blades. I couldn't read it, but there were clearly very strange symbols appearing in the grass. From the opposite angle, the grass all shifted and became an artistic image that was just abstract enough to be indiscernible.
Standing on a stone in the middle of the small creek, the stream of runoff making its way to the pacific, to the mother ocean. The jurema pulls me deeper into its enchantment. I stood perfectly still, balancing on the stone and gazing out over the robust plantlife. My face began to twitch, taking on what I believe to be the facial expressions that I would have if I were raised in neolithic times. More animal-like, more sharp, direct and closely observant. I began to get an impression of pre-chinese asiatic thought, the times before the dynasties and their eternal wars for the mandate of heaven. Pre-confucian, pre-buddhist, pre-taoist. The colorful times, of furs and skins.
The camp. The girls are tying strings in their hair, beautifying themselves in a timeless art, and the dogs, and the ocean. I saw us as a band of nomadic hunter-gatherers on the northern coast of europe. I saw rainbow-feathered puffin-like dragons, their sharp gaze, brilliant orange scleras. This, and a dazzling display of the ineffable parts of it that we all fail at describing.
This went on for some time, until at some juncture I was taken into a particular world. I had been taken to the realm of properly hunted animals, a darkly-lit place full of blood, rivers of blood in bone canyons. I contacted a group of skinned deers, and asked whoever was running the show to "please leave them their eyelids", and was surrounded by a troupe of skinless deer-deities dancing in a circle around me, but with eyelids closed. Eventually the eyelids were removed as well. They downloaded a timeless moral code of hunting and killing in the natural world which was paralleled with the unconscionable industrial agriculture system of the modern world. While it sounds awful and scary, the predominating emotions were awe and reverence for these properly-hunted animals and an understanding of the pact of blood that exists between animals in nature, that hunter and hunted are allies against the industrial world.
Another swig, 1.5 grams more harmel. The harmel was a rock in my gut, and after maybe half an hour there was another even more violent purge. I laughed and pounded the earth as I wretched, cleaning my stomach and my psyche. With the weight in my guts gone, the energy flowing correctly again, I found the most comfortable yoga position. I wish I know its name. More color stuff, keeping my eyes closed. A man drove down onto the beach and started collecting a massive amount of kelp. At least 150 pounds, enough to fill the back of a bronco anyway. Hilarity over that. The beginnings of a headache, not enough water. I go for a walk to say "till next time" to the jurema as it evaporates away from me. When I come back the dogs freak out, barking really intensely at me and scaring the shit out of me.
This experience was one of the most visionary experiences I have ever had, all a processesion of impressions and faraway times and places, fantastic images and spiritual guides. After this and the other experiences I had with that batch of jurema my relationship with the brew is strengthened. Jurema has now become one of my close plant allies, I feel, in a way that I have not yet achieved with ayahuasca. I really recommend CWE for mimosa if you want to get to know the medicine and not just have a potent DMT admixture. Once it gets to know you, jurema can be one of the most gentle of the powerful teachers.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Fairly responsible Kratom user.
"whenever he drank ayahuasca, he had such beautiful visions that he used to put his hands over his eyes for fear somebody might steal them."
in between the grinding-brakes of a train crash while aluminum-foil robots make obnoxious sex noises on a static-filled walkie-talkie radio.