Hello dear Nexus friends
First of; thanks for having me!
What can i say, I am from the Netherlands, a 30 year of age male.
I don't use any other substances, don't even smoke cigarettes, don't drink alcohol and not even coffee.
I like (raw) chocolate a lot though, pure foods ad pure things in general.
Recently i picked up the bold idea to get into the world of DMT, having heard a lot about it for many years.
Something attracted me towards it with great force during my 3 weeks of from work (i am working at an organic food store).
A feeling inside of me felt like being on the same level of what DMT had to offer and show me.
The question whether I really needed DMT for that crossed my mind, since all is one and all is already in our hands, hmm...
But I felt the urge and enthusiasm so i became unstoppable, and after a few days the first batches where in the making.
DMT-Nexus has helped me a great deal in learning about extracting and many other aspects of DMT.
As for DMT; I like the fact that DMT is a natural in our own body occurring substance, I am not interested in using other chemical unnatural substances.
Even DMT in it's home produced crystal form I can see as something of temporarily use/need, as I see it as something that is even more close to us then something outside of us only reachable trough somewhat industrial-like labor. As in Love and all there is, is what we ARE.
But never the less, I made it and after a week or so and with your great help I have had a great experience!
Not even that long, but it was super, the painting 'Dying' by Alex Grey reminds my strongly of this experience.
An out of body experience, into the greater realm, being lift from the heart center up trough a temple/cosmic like roof made out of sunflower fractal geometry, the geometry was simple and clean, not busy and psychedelic, it felt wonderful and was beyond everything I had ever experienced (in this lifetime in this body)!
While experiencing it I had a grin on my face which felt bigger then my face itself and afterwards i felt deeply in love with... well just deeply in love.
After that experience I felt so thankful for all the information each one of you people have shared on this website, thanks for that!
I also noticed how it opened up third eye activity in the days after and how I at one occasion felt how I for a moment slightly began reentering that state again without the use of DMT, very nice stuff.
A few times after that I have also had less beautiful experiences with it, being a bit to eager not taking time and first finding peace with my self, but never whas it really bad or useless, confrontational yes, and learning a lot from that too.
How and what I feel truly about DMT after using it a few times is written in the following:
DMT for me is a reminder of who and what I am.
The more loving my relationship with it, the less my body feels the need to break it and it's message down after communicating with it (inhaling), nor seeking desperately for it.
The more it reminds me, the more we become friends/one.
Remembering and opening to this higher self with ever less need for suppressing the effects of DMT, the higher understanding it brings and the more it becomes a part of who I AM.
Understanding of how I am that what DMT opens up inside of me, that it is not my body breaking down DMT but my mental fear of it's supreme loving message...
Then I understand it is me who has the message and all that DMT has shown me already inside (literally), inside to no longer suppress from my self, inside to no longer forget about my dreamworld but to turn them in to a real live.
Knowing this encourages me to tune mentally in to the message of DMT or love, practice in peace to be able to cope with it's powerful insights.
My body doesn't break down DMT, it is me with my fears, my body just follows the instructions of my mind and spirit.
When I am in fear and resist, DMT will be a friend with hard lessons to tell me, strong and uneasy conversation will follow, but when i open up and let her in with open arms, the opposite is true. A loving session with great insights will follow with much beautiful things learned.
As i learn to understand and integrate this, DMT eventually will be something mainly in the past, as a helping friend once needed and still loved.
In the end it's all about the one that we already AM, isn't it?
Much love and peace!
PS: here is my (first) post of DMT Crystals: