Hello All,
I've been a reader on the site for awhile now and have finally decided to become a member.
What brings me here is an intense interest in spirituality and art which has led to an interest in entheogenic spiritual experiences. I'm always reading up primarily on Buddhist literature, though I also have a serious interest in Christianity and Hinduism. I have an equal passion for science, particularly astronomy, ecology, and neurosciences related to consciousness and cognition.
SWIM has had significant experiences with entheogens such as LSD and psilocybin mushrooms over the last 8 years and is an avid and regular smoker of marijuana. SWIM's entheogenic experiences with LSD and psilocybin are what has led SWIM to an interest in religiously grounded mystical experiences.
I have joined the forum in order to add to my own understandings of entheogens as well as to contribute any opinions that may be helpful to others in the understanding of entheogens, life experiences, and the universe itself.
I am also a musician, self-producing experimental electronic music which I would describe as being somewhere between Brian Eno, Boards of Canada, Aphex Twin, and Pink Floyd, though by no means limited to such references as my listening tastes very widely. I have particularly strong interests in 1960's rock and 1990's rap. I look forward to and am working constantly to succeed professionally on the underground level so that I can spend my full time creating music and touring. My interests in entheogens and religion have heavily informed my music and serve as my primary inspiration along with other skillful artists that I admire.
I look forward to being a part of this group of like-minded mind travelers.
With Love,
Sol Reverie
Sol Reverie is a fictitious creation of a lunatic mind, as are all of these statements.
Follow Your Bliss! ~ Joseph Campbell