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Just When I Thought it Couldnt Get any Better Options
#1 Posted : 10/20/2011 12:17:42 PM

veni, vidi, spici

Posts: 3642
Joined: 05-Aug-2011
Last visit: 22-Sep-2017
Set: Happy but with a little pre flight nerves
(physical condition) Set: good
Setting: bedroom in the dark, a little light comes through the curtains
time of day: 9pm
recent drug use: Frequent Cannabis use, changa smoked 3 days previous
last meal: 2pm, mexican chicken sandwich

Gender: male
body weight: 78kg
known sensitivities: none
history of use: 20-30 changa journeys

Substance(s): Jimjam changa
Dose(s): Smoked 3x100mg of 1:1 jimjam changa with approx. 10mins between each serving.
Method of administration: smoked in a bong

Administration time: T=21.00
Duration: 10 mins
First effects: voices in the room, sprites dancing in the shadows
Peak: ?
Come down: ?
Intensity (overall): 3.5

Pleasantness: 3.5
Implesantness: 0
Visual Intensity: 4


Hangover: 0
Afterglow: 2.5


Just When I Thought it Couldnt Get any Better
Sat 8th October 2011

Unimaginable isn’t a strong enough word to associate with the events of Saturday night. On Friday I had 2 quite intense, highly enjoyable journeys, both of which were induced by 100mg of 1:1 jimjam changa, last night I loaded up a 50 mg dose and expected the resulting journey to be less intense. My first journey on Friday night was epic, and to be honest, I didn’t think that it could get much better than that, but i was wrong, very, very, wrong.

It was around 9pm and I was sat in bed reading "Inner Paths to Outer Space", a Dr Strassman book about altered states of consciousness. I decided to try some meditation as I have read good things about its effect on the DMT experience. I lay on my bed for around 20 minutes, I tried to concentrate on my breathing and allowed my body to completely relax. My mind still revelling in the enormity of last night’s experience so the pre-flight anxiety wasn’t to bad, but I was still nervous so I tried to get as calm and relaxed as possible. The only mediation I have tried before is the short relaxation exercise at the end of a yoga class.
I lay still and soon noticed that I was feeling calmer and that I was thinking in a slightly different way, it felt like I was more focused on my thoughts, my mind seemed a little sharper. I started to use a technique I had learned at yoga, I imagined my toes losing all tension, then my feet and then slowly up my legs and continuing through the rest of my body. By the time I reached the top of my head my breathe was very shallow and I felt extremely calm.
I knew that when the time was right I would know, so I continued to concentrate on my breathing, suddenly I felt ready, it was time, I sat up to begin my journey.

I wasn’t expecting what I got, nothing, not even my previous DMT experiences, could have prepared me for what was to come.

I sat in the dark and held in my second hit, the vague shapes I could make out through the darkness began to change proportion and breathe, everything was covered in shimmering multi coloured glitter. The room had been dark but now a hovering, circular blue light was illuminating the room with a warm, flickering orange glow, similar to candle light. I decided to ignore the presence of this blue disc, I had to get ready for the journey before I lost the ability to do so. I could feel the onset of oblivion, so I quickly put down the bong, pulled up the duvet and closed my eyes.

It all began with the monolith, but this time it quickly changed and developed into another form, I have seen this thing before, but it is only now that I have managed to link it to the monolith. It changed firstly into a thrown, this thrown was spinning anti clockwise on some kind of green or blue disc. This was happening inside a brown room or enclosed environment. There were humanoid beings skirting the edge of the room, these beings weren’t like watchers, I didn’t feel that their job was to observe me, it was more like they were getting on with their day and I had been dropped into their reality. They looked at me as they rushed past, but we had no interaction, they were either too busy or not interested in me and I was left alone.
The thrown slowly changed into a small castle and in the middle of the castle appeared, what I think, is some kind of intricate undulating morphing geometric insanity. This central space is becoming a running theme, I know that the thing in this space is beautifully complex and it is always bang in the middle of my vision but I can never remember what it looks like. I can remember the rest of the room quite well, but it’s as if this central space contains information I’m not allowed to bring back.
It felt like an insane fairground ride, some kind of cosmic plaything, but it was not to be ridden, it was to provide the viewer with amazement, it was like a living painting (not a sculpture), something to be enjoyed for simply what it was.
The colours of this place were incredible, everything stood out more than is imaginable, every colour perfectly opposed the one next to it, colours which I would normal describe as dark or bland, the browns and greys, were as vivid and beautiful as any other colour. There was no texture to any surface in the room, everything was perfectly smooth, smoother than smooth, almost liquid.
I watched this new improved, turbo charged monolith in awe, I was amazed at what it had turned into and could only wonder what else it could do.
All of a sudden, it started to melt, it oozed from the centre, and as it did so I began to move backward. As I was moved back the oozing colours came toward me like a wave, which ever piece of this flowing fractal lava wave I looked at would burst out and become the leading point of the wave. Everywhere i looked the energy wave was full of real things, all arranged in an ever changing H.R.Geiger style pulsating flow.

This flow built in speed and i felt a sudden surge in energy, I moved yet further back and up a little.

I was now riding on the oozing fractal energy wave of everything, I felt like I was on some kind of boat, but not an ordinary boat, there was no structure to it, but I knew I was on some kind of vessel. I looked all around me as I sailed a wave of all matter. I looked into the wave and it was made of everything, all types of imagery would appear and morph and change, things would come out of the wave and then split and something new would burst through, this was how the wave seemed to create itself.
There were rows of cars, turning into rows of women, who would then roll and change into pyramids which in turn morphed into splits in the wave through which another wave, containing all of existence, would break. I remember thinking the reason it was so hard to explain, or even to remember these things was because everything was made up of everything, everything was the same thing. How can you possibly remember everything in existence, and if you can how do you explain it?

We were travelling at an immense speed and I felt a Viking surge of power in the air, I looked back and I couldn’t see anyone, or anything, but I knew someone was there, I could feel them, I felt the presence of a brother, but not my brother of everyday reality, a DMT brother.
Suddenly I lifted up above the fractal flow and the landscape unfolded before me. I was above a huge alien landscape, a landscape made entirely of energy, and I saw for the first time where all this energy comes from. I could see beings who I can only describe as gods. These beings seemed to be connected to nothingness, their arms and legs didn’t seem to end; they seemed to fade into the nothingness. There was a stormy feel to the place, an electrical intensity filled the air, and as I watched from my new vantage point I could see what these gods were doing. They were creating existence. They were firing what looked like electric fractal waves from their arms and this was creating the DMT environment. These are the beings that created all the experiences I have had while on my journeys.

These beings had no idea I was there, I find it hard to believe they would care about my insignificance even if they had been aware of my presence; they clearly had more important things to do. The energy that these beings were creating was the fractals and the environments that I have seen, and experienced, in my previous journeys, now instead of experiencing these places I was watching them being created. I was watching the creation of a place i can barely comprehend.
The waves of fractal energy were the most intricate and random collection of things you can imagine, these waves were made from things which appear in everyday life, except that they are the most incredible metallic colours and they ooze and move through each other like a psychedelic cloud flow.
I began to fly backwards over the landscape and gazed down upon what was being created, as I moved I could see further into the distance. These beings stretched out as far as I could see, even though it got darker the further away I looked, I could still see the electrical explosions that were formed when these beings carried out their work.

I kept moving back until I stopped on a ledge. This ledge was high up on a giant on a cliff face; I stood there and looked out at the impossible. This is the first time I have ever felt fully immersed in DMT experience, I have felt like I have been to other places but I am never aware of a body, I just exist, This time I felt that I was actually stood on the ledge in a real body, but not the body which was lying back in my bed, a new body, a hyperspace body.
I was holding a staff or long walking stick and dressed as some kind of desert nomad. I had absolutely no connection with my everyday body in any way, I knew I was in this place because I had smoked DMT, and I even remember thinking that I was amazed that the amount of DMT I had smoked could create all this, but that thought was my only connection to everyday reality.
I felt the wind in my face, below me I could see the flowing lava fractal river I had sailed upon and beyond the river I could see the energy fields folding in on themselves as they expanded. At this point it felt like I had been on my journey for a long time, so much had happened, id had seen so much, I can remember thinking that I never wanted it to end.

I stood and surveyed the landscape, I have no words to suitably describe its impossibly complex nature, all the ones I write in this tale fall pitifully short and I am almost embarrassed to write about it in such a personally disappointing way. During this time I was extremely lucid I was stood thinking "how can I have had a disappointing experience at J's on Wednesday and then smoke half the amount and be gifted with being able to experience the impossible".
Normally I feel like an observer or a player in the insane game that is DMT, you play the game but you don’t know the rules, you spend your time trying to make sense of the insane. This time I didn’t have to watch or play, I had already won and I was free to enjoy my prize, I wasn’t a watcher or a player, I was a character in the game. I felt as though i was high above the normal place I would inhabit after smoking, I had ascended all the levels and I was left high on my ledge. From my ledge I understood where it all came from, the insanity i normally witnessed still made no sense but at least now I know where it comes from and how it is formed.

As i stood on my ledge I got a strange feeling inside my chest and it began to alter the landscape. I was coming to the end of my journey and I could feel excitement building in my chest as my body began to realise what was happening. As the excitement grew the intense complexity of the landscape began to fall apart, the most amazing thing I have ever witnessed was falling apart, and I was causing it. I can only liken it to the feeling I have had when trying to remain in a lucid dream, if I get excited in a lucid dream it shocks my body and I wake up. I think this is where the pre-journey meditation really came into play; I was able to concentrate on my breathing more effectively and control the excitement. I could feel a pressure in my chest created by trying to control my excitement, I held it in and I as I did so the landscape started to slow in its destruction. I was back in my body now but still very much under the influence. I continued to stay calm until the landscape was replaced by a vision of colours which started to slowly fade, the end was signalled when my weird rent monkey opened his bedroom door loudly, i was left once again in the dark in my bed.


it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 10/20/2011 1:01:14 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1999
Joined: 13-Jun-2011
Last visit: 24-Jun-2018
Awesome report there man, I really enjoyed that read Smile You've gotta love those blissful journeys into the impossible! Keep it up.
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#3 Posted : 10/20/2011 3:23:24 PM

veni, vidi, spici

Posts: 3642
Joined: 05-Aug-2011
Last visit: 22-Sep-2017
cheers, glad you liked it. It feels a little strange telling a load of strangers about some of my most intense and bizarre experiences, but i guess were all in the same boat. I have told some friends (non hyperspacers) of my journeys and they look at me like a nutter, the best thing about the Nexus is you get a reassuring nod from people who have experienced the same glory.

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#4 Posted : 10/20/2011 4:35:02 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1999
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Last visit: 24-Jun-2018
Aye, we have a special community of 'nutters' here, we understand Smile You can't really even begin to describe hyperspace to those that have never experienced it - or indeed don't remember it Pleased
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#5 Posted : 10/20/2011 4:54:59 PM

veni, vidi, spici

Posts: 3642
Joined: 05-Aug-2011
Last visit: 22-Sep-2017
ha, ha, ha, indeed

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#6 Posted : 10/20/2011 7:06:39 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks so much for sharing. There is NOTHING like a DMT breakthru journeyStop That was an amazing experiance that every one here can really appreciate. Meditation before hand has all ways helped me too. Its been months since I've had a journey even though im sitting on a good size stach (its been burning a hole in my pocket). Its been three months since I've indulged in any substance (I have had a few beers here and there, but didn't drink to get drunk), I've been detoxing waiting until I get a job, but nothing really worth my time has been offered (I have a second interview this week though). Just staying grounded and keeping a clear head until I do. I figure it will be good for me and worth the wait. Reading your report has somehow given me more patience. I know that soon the time will come again for me to enter the palace. Tick-tock

Great report, thanks for sharing the view from ur 3rdI Wink

Love, Life, and Music
The tragedy of life isn't that it's too short, it's that we take too long to begin it...

"Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in !!!"

"Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity" - Pema Chodron
#7 Posted : 10/20/2011 7:22:43 PM


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Amazing report my friend, very well written, and sounds like an incredibly epic journey indeed. Im glad you got to have this sort of experience, Really one of the best experience reports ive read in awhile, cheers
You have never been apart from me. You can never depart and never return, for we are continuous, indistinguishable. We are eternal forever
#8 Posted : 10/21/2011 9:06:17 AM

veni, vidi, spici

Posts: 3642
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Last visit: 22-Sep-2017
Soulshine- cheers mate. I think periods of refrain are a good thing, sometimes you think you have a clear head only to look back a few months later to realise everything was still a little cloudy. i wish you luck with your job hunt and im sure you will be welcomed back by the molecule when the time is right.

harmalosa- much appreciated, thankyou.

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#9 Posted : 10/22/2011 7:25:07 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: in the Forest
Fantastic journey i enjoyed readng that very much .
Beautiful, its an Amazing feeling to know this is possible
It changes the way you see everything here in matter reality .
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

#10 Posted : 10/22/2011 1:31:45 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 178
Joined: 14-Aug-2010
Last visit: 29-Sep-2024
Excellent writing. These journeys evoke such wonder at the majesty of existence. I also find meditation helps to calm down the excitement and awe so that it can be taken in a bit deeper. Thank you for sharing.

"Blinded by their own sight, hearing, feeling, and knowing, they don't perceive the radiance of the source. If they could eliminate all conceptual thinking, this source would appear, like the sun rising through the empty sky and illuminating the whole universe." - Huang Po
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