This should be posted in the Music/Art section but my member status denies me. Sad day.
If anyone has the chance to see the Brazilian electronic dj/producer Amon Tobin do his ISAM tour I strongly urge you to go see it. Amon Tobin is well known in the electronic music world for his work with movie/videogame soundtracks and for his amazing experimental ambient music.
The new tour in support of his new album ISAM (??Indexed sequential access method??) sets a new precedence in visual stimuli for live music. Using some type of video mapping software and a stage set up involving multiple white cubes he is able to quite literally make one feel as if the music and visual are about to start crawling around the venue. I feel words can't do this justice so . I definitely smelled some wisps of spice in the air around me but I myself was not daring enough to blast in around such a crowded, noisy, impersonal space as a music hall filled to capacity. Would have loved to have eaten 1-2g of mushrooms in retrospect... Saw this show at the Ogden in Denver, Co. on 10/19/2011, amazing.
Well worth the $30ish dollar ticket price, if you dig this kinda stuff, dig this stuff. He only has a few more stops in the U.S. then he goes to Canada and off to London I believe so smoke em if ya got em and get yourself to Amon Tobin's show is actually a direct link to the site, much better video.
“We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations.”
-Anais Nin