Hi nexians
Man, I am glad I found this place. I've kind of been biding my time since DMTworld vanished off the map some years ago. I only spotted this place a few weeks ago, and I've been lurking and reading voraciously ever since.
But I thought I'd better introduce myself, after blundering onto the Occupy thread without so much as a hello.
Except that it's proving harder than I thought!
I've been psychedelically focused as an individual for about 20 years (I'm 42), since my first LSD journey. Then the internet happened for me in 93, I plugged into hyperreal.org (using gopher, if anyone remembers that) and particularly the amazing alt.drugs archive maintained by Lamont Granquist (all of it 3+ years old by then).
That was the information breakthrough - from then on I trod into new territory; usenet had become mostly spam, but I hung around the rec.drugs.psychedelic group and even exchanged a post or two (literally only that) with the late great Bob Wallace.
For a scientifically minded History and Philosophy student, it proved very fertile territory indeed, and I followed a path that went from alt.drugs to Gracie & Zarkov and thence to actual DMT about three years later - and my first smoke led to my first breakthrough, and what seemed like hours swimming with a pod of what I can only describe as 'sentient loving robo-whales' followed by a long period of DMT evangelism which must have bored the pants off everyone around me, to be honest.
I made a lot of journeys during the first two years - eyeballing 'jungle spice' into a makeshift glass pipe and hoping for a breakthrough, using the "keep toking till you can't anymore" technique. It was usually a success, but desperately uneconomical.
There are one or two unusually outstanding and unique experiences till etched onto my mind, but coloured by memory and the orthogonal perspective of post-rationalisation.
I've managed to get some in every few years since, and initially found this place searching for suitable teks in order to reacquaint myself with this intriguing substance.
(As an aside, I first came across that word from Psylocybe Fanaticus! When I discovered from the internet that growing cubensis was a piece of cake, I served the mushroom for many years, all from my one and only spore syringe and the (now superceded) PF-TEK)
I've maintained a steady, but steadily diminishing, LSD habit too - spring cleaning for the mind. It used to be at the solstices and equinoxes, then just the equinoxes, and now usually just the summer equinox, although I've missed it this year so I'm looking forward to a cold, frosty moonlight trip over the moors! But fitting an acid trip in around two kids,a lover and breadwinner, school, work etc can be a bit tricky sometimes.
I tend to trip alone now, out into open country from dawn to night, with a small pack and a camera. I don't have the appetite for the mad extroverted trips of my youth anymore, and over the years LSD experiences have become more emotionally than philosophically focused. There are still long periods of ego dissolution, and that for me is the great benefit of solo tripping: when you push your little boat of perception away from the shores of consciousness, there's no one holding the painter line, ready to pull you back with a cough, laugh, surreal crazy-ass observations or simply by passing you the spliff. You can just drift until the shore is over the horizon - and then โฆ well that's where words fail, isn't it?
I've tried quite a few things on the menu by now but stay away from most of them because the doors they open simply and clearly reveal steps leading down into darkness. The ones that lead up to the light (IMO) are LSD, n,n-DMT, Shrooms, 2CB, Cannabis and coffee. Damn Good Coffee.
I like MDMA occasionally too, but psychedelically speaking it's too pushy.
I hope I can bring something to the Nexus, I know I've got a lot out of it already - and I am looking forward to hopefully finding a place here. I must stop writing now, it's too long already - thanks for reading all the way!
Peace Out.