Welcome Hexabot, it is nice to have you here.
The nexus is a great community, and any contributions are always accepting.
So what substances have you experimented with? and do you have any preferences or one that you feel you get the complete experience out of?
You may be a newbie but don't worry you are in the right place, if you have not really experimented with much ^ except salvia i would love to hear your input on it, I myself have done it a couple times and am not a large fan of it, and maybe hearing another perspective on it, maybe i can get passed the bad experience i had.
But Besides all that the nexus is very large and take your time looking around, you will find a large spectrum of information, from science/ chemistry to philosophy/ and spirituality just about anything you need to grow, and expand, i am thrilled to know you are here i hopes to learn, well i am pretty sure you wont need to hope, you will learn something here.
Be safe and best of luck to you!
I hope you find what you may be looking for.
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
โ Terence McKenna
"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"