for those of you in need of a safe container for a strait to base tek, a vinegar jug with a number 2 on the bottom (hdpe) works great. i use a 2.5 litre jug with 200grams of finely chopped mimosa 200grams of home brand lye (home depot) 1200ml of distilled water. let that sit for 24 hrs then add 200ml of naphtha (escort camp fuel, canadian tire) allow naphta to soak up the spice for 24 hrs at a time, swishing every time you get a chance, then using a turkey baster pull 50% of the naphtha, make sure its yellow. yellow = spice. put it into a glass jar and into the freezer. once you get crystals, dump the naphtha back into the jug and pull 50% again
the only problem with the vinegar jug is the paper seal under the cap, the lye may dissolve it a bit but i dont see too much harm in that, just make sure not to remove it or the jug may leak. leak = very bad lol