welcome paradiseofrave,
your lsd experience sounds rather harrowing. Did you test the acid (low dose bio-assay) before you took a large amount? It's very reasonable to do this if it's from an unknown source, which it is most of the times unfortunately. Sometimes impurities will make you sick or give you a stomach ache or whatever and then it's not always so good to take larger doses of it...
Sometimes we get sick for other reasons though. psychosomatic / spiritual blockages or something more organic and less meaningful like having eaten somethign disagreeable ...
Anyway the whole rebirth and 'let the magic begin' reminds me a bit of an acid trip I had once. Very meaningful experience. Was it like that for you?
Yeah extracting nn, growing your own mushrooms etc. is very rewarding IMO and I recomend it to anyone who is seriously interested in psychedelics.
glad to have you with us. Cheers
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens. ---
mushroom-grow-help :::
energy conserving caapi extraction