I recently did a Naphtha pull on an old extraction that I had left sitting out for 2 months. There was a small amount of Naphtha that was left sitting in the jug during that time along with the black solution. So basically what happened was when I added new Naphtha just yesterday, the old Naphtha somehow turned the new Naphtha dark brownish. I was very careful not to siphon up any of the black base solution, though it was harder to tell with dark Naphtha. To be sure I wasn't getting any black stuff, I left a good amount of Naphtha in the jug to leave me room to only siphon out the top part of the Naphtha layer.
Anyways my dark ass brown Naphtha produced brown crystals as I was expecting. Here's a pic:

My question is, if the black base solution isn't what's causing that color, what is? I'm thinking maybe because there was a small amount of Naphtha that was left in the wine jug for 2 months, it caused the solvent to absorb other things like plant oils and such... but I always thought that plant oils in solvent made the crystals more yellowish - not brown. What else could account for that color? I've never had to recrystallize before because I've always gotten very white, or off white/pale yellowish crystals at the worst... and even the pale yellow smoked just fine and seemed just as potent if not even more so. I'm wondering if color doesn't really matter so much. I'm fairly certain this is DMT... it clumps and breaks and drys out exactly like all the other white/yellowish crystals I've gotten before.
If there's nothing dangerous with this colorization, then I don't mind smoking it and giving it a try. I have a feeling I probably won't be able to tell a difference in the effect (or taste since there is none using a dual chambered water bong with an ice catcher). I'd really rather not re-crystallize as I've never done it before and don't really have the proper supplies and equipment to do it efficiently. It would be nice to hear some opinions about what could be accounting for the color though.