Hello all,
I guess I'm older than I wish I was, in order to start walking this way. I could have come to a place like this -or to its stone age equivalent- around fifteen years ago, but when I was right in the threshold, about to knock the door, life sent me to other places. Now I'm trying to get back, to catch up. Hopefully, my walkabout of the last decade will make any experiences more meaningful, and my head won't be too hardened.
I was raised in a moderate catholic environment. After primary school, I shook off a lot of crap by reading. Nietzsche lit the fuse, and then I started enjoying Burroughs, Huxley, Jünger, Castaneda. You know how it goes. But it was the spanish sociologist and philosopher Antonio Escohotado, with his monumental General History of Drugs, who gave me one of the biggest mind boners I've ever had in my life. He made me realize that, to me, the importance of a book doesn't depend on the answers it provides, but rather on the new questions it arises. I spent a few years breaking some pesky paradigms, and gathering not only more books, but also a few plant materials. I flirted with them, but I was too scared to roll up my sleeves in a serious way.
Then, I met a girl. We started getting closer. And one day, gingerly, naively, I blurted out a list of drugs I had tried so far, and another one of the drugs I intended to try. Then she freaked. Big time. She didn't, wouldn't understand my reasons. To her, I was a teenager playing. Thirsty for social integration. Oblivious of the dangers of dope. And discussing it didn't work. And I didn't want to lose her. So I reluctantly buried my books and threw my plants away.
The mistake only became obvious years after that, when our marriage sunk. For other reasons, of course. But you get the point.
In the last two years, I've been getting back to my roots. I discovered things that I was probably meant to discover when I was twenty-five, but here they are. McKenna, Hoffman, Shulgin, Ott, Strassman. Psilocybin and LSA. And most importantly, I found a mate to join me.
DMT is somewhere around the corner, I don't know how close. In the meantime, I have started to explore salvia. And getting acquainted with reverse tolerance after two attempts. A couple days ago I felt my body blown with a unique breeze, almost phasing out, but meekly coming back to the vessel a couple minutes after the first bong hit. Hopefully, the next time there will be a breakthrough, the one I've been looking for.
And I'd love to share it, and this seems the right place. As long as my head isn't too hard.
Nice to meet you, guys.
"The Menu is Not The Meal." - Alan Watts