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Still more miss than hit with GVG Options
Ice House
#21 Posted : 10/1/2011 1:52:47 AM

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Practice makes perfect.
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#22 Posted : 10/1/2011 12:07:25 PM

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Another go today out in nature with a 25mg dose. No go for launch:/ Though it did give me a very nice ‘mushroom’ glow that I was able to get lost in with the help of the sound of the creek I sitting next to.
After removing the pad and inspecting when I got home, it feels like it’s still attached to it, so not hot enough. It is a different batch of Spice to the one I tried with the 15mg. The 15mg dose Spice is orange in colour and like table salt. The 25mg dose Spice is white and came as one small ‘biscuit’. When you break it off to weigh it, it crumbles. Maybe I need to make it finer like the orange Spice so it vapours quicker.
More practice like Ice House saysSmile
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#23 Posted : 10/1/2011 2:37:16 PM

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I you have copper mesh sized and shaped properly, about 3-4mm thick and the size of the bowl(so it doesn't need to be forced/pushed in), then I don't know how you can't get off 25mg which is a breakthrough dose for many.
Just keep the torch lighters tip at about 1cm above the bowl and inhale until nothing comes out, keep in your lungs for about 10sec and you should be going...
#24 Posted : 10/1/2011 3:15:28 PM

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One problem might be that you’re inhaling too quickly. If you inhale too quickly, you’ll be out of breath before you’ve managed to melt, vaporize, and inhale a full dose. Here’s what I do:

1. Begin by taking a series of very deep, slow breaths. Inhale deeply, then exhale fully. Do this three times at least. (This not only oxygenates your blood, but has a nice pre-launch calming effect as well.)

2. As you start the last exhale, begin heating the GVG ceramic diffuser.

3. When every last bit of air is out of your lungs, slowly begin inhaling through the GVG, and keep the torch heating it, raising or lowering the flame to control temperature. It’s very important to inhale slowly.

4. If you’re doing everything right, after 5-10 seconds, the DMT will begin to vaporize. If you’re really doing everything right, the full dose will vaporize almost instantaneously. Don’t be alarmed when you feel the ultra-concentrated vapor enter your lungs.

5. Continue to slowly inhale, and when no more vapor is being generated, bring the flame even closer to the ceramic diffuser to ensure that everything has been vaporized.

6. Remove the flame, and draw a bit of cool air through the GVG into your lungs. This helps to hold the vapor for a longer period.

7. Hold the vapor in your lungs for as long as you reasonably can.
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#25 Posted : 10/1/2011 3:48:05 PM

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One little thing to add (something I think I heard from Ragbar) is to heat your mesh with your lighter before putting the DMT on it. Just put the torch directly on it to heat it up and then drop you dose on it so that it melts into the mesh. I think the idea is that it can melt really fast and drip right through the screen before it vaporizes otherwise.
#26 Posted : 10/1/2011 4:36:20 PM

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Malaclypse wrote:
One little thing to add (something I think I heard from Ragbar) is to heat your mesh with your lighter before putting the DMT on it. Just put the torch directly on it to heat it up and then drop you dose on it so that it melts into the mesh. I think the idea is that it can melt really fast and drip right through the screen before it vaporizes otherwise.

I've tried this myself but find it to be too much of a hassle when compared to pre-melting it inside the GVG bowl. Just heat it until you see it melt, inhaling slowly. Then start again inhaling
#27 Posted : 10/1/2011 7:51:43 PM

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Take the top off completely once the spice has melted use a bic lighter hover it over the top and inhale. Watch the heavy vapour flllow.
Like Eve, are we eating from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil
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#28 Posted : 10/1/2011 8:02:49 PM

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tele wrote:
Malaclypse wrote:
One little thing to add (something I think I heard from Ragbar) is to heat your mesh with your lighter before putting the DMT on it. Just put the torch directly on it to heat it up and then drop you dose on it so that it melts into the mesh. I think the idea is that it can melt really fast and drip right through the screen before it vaporizes otherwise.

I've tried this myself but find it to be too much of a hassle when compared to pre-melting it inside the GVG bowl. Just heat it until you see it melt, inhaling slowly. Then start again inhaling

I use teles approach; a little heat and a short inhalation, IME, allows the DMT to melt onto the metal mesh without dripping.If you stop at this point, I find you can recompose yourself if necessary and then, as Gibran2 mentions, you can vaporise the total dose quickly and very little 'untainted' air gets in the lungs before the vapor enters to do its magic.I also find that if your lungs have the capcity for taking in more than just the vapour, a little air at the end of the inhalation makes it even easier to hold the dose in.Not that its that hard with GVG in any case.
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#29 Posted : 10/1/2011 8:50:47 PM

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tomtomtom wrote:
Take the top off completely once the spice has melted use a bic lighter hover it over the top and inhale. Watch the heavy vapour flllow.


You realize that with the top removed, the GVG is just an expensive glass pipe?
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#30 Posted : 10/1/2011 10:29:00 PM

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Haha yeah I know, my Arc lighter broke so I had to use a normal lighter and remembered seeing a post a while ago saying what I have stated above. And it works unbelievably. I have tried it on friends who could not breakthrough before when I had a torch lighter. When I tried it this way for them they came back in shock.

I do realise it nulls the filter process. But if it helps someone its worth posting...you know.
Like Eve, are we eating from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil
#31 Posted : 10/2/2011 9:59:03 AM

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tomtomtom wrote:
Haha yeah I know, my Arc lighter broke so I had to use a normal lighter and remembered seeing a post a while ago saying what I have stated above. And it works unbelievably. I have tried it on friends who could not breakthrough before when I had a torch lighter. When I tried it this way for them they came back in shock.

I do realise it nulls the filter process. But if it helps someone its worth posting...you know.

The GVG was actually planned to use with normal lighter and on their website they say don't use torch. But with normal lighter, you still can or have to use the ceramic filter to get proper vaporization temperatures. Torch lighter and GVG is something one has to learn to use.
The Chr0nn01553ur
#32 Posted : 10/2/2011 10:34:00 AM

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tele wrote:
tomtomtom wrote:
Haha yeah I know, my Arc lighter broke so I had to use a normal lighter and remembered seeing a post a while ago saying what I have stated above. And it works unbelievably. I have tried it on friends who could not breakthrough before when I had a torch lighter. When I tried it this way for them they came back in shock.

I do realise it nulls the filter process. But if it helps someone its worth posting...you know.

The GVG was actually planned to use with normal lighter and on their website they say don't use torch. But with normal lighter, you still can or have to use the ceramic filter to get proper vaporization temperatures. Torch lighter and GVG is something one has to learn to use.

So should I not get a torch lighter for my GVG or not?
Life is art.

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#33 Posted : 10/2/2011 3:58:28 PM

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Oh yeah no doubt tele, but if you haven't already done, check out the way I suggested. It all experimentation aay. You must have had a friend who you introduced to spice and made them hit it hard and they come back and say...err yeah it was ok. And you know they just didn't take enough in even when it look like they did. Well I have tried the no top method on 4 friends now all noobs to DMT and all broke through big time in one hit. I mean they came back like they just got of a roller-coaster.

da highlife, Yeah definitely get a torch lighter. I normally use one, only mine broke temporarily. What I am saying is if you are having trouble atm and want a quick fix then take the top off with the ceramic bowl then get a normal lighter and suck the flame down (only once the spice has melted) then immediately you will have thick white vapour on constantly flow. This will definitely blast you to hyperspace if enough is taken in and held long enough.
Like Eve, are we eating from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil
#34 Posted : 10/2/2011 5:24:53 PM

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da highlife wrote:
tele wrote:
tomtomtom wrote:
Haha yeah I know, my Arc lighter broke so I had to use a normal lighter and remembered seeing a post a while ago saying what I have stated above. And it works unbelievably. I have tried it on friends who could not breakthrough before when I had a torch lighter. When I tried it this way for them they came back in shock.

I do realise it nulls the filter process. But if it helps someone its worth posting...you know.

The GVG was actually planned to use with normal lighter and on their website they say don't use torch. But with normal lighter, you still can or have to use the ceramic filter to get proper vaporization temperatures. Torch lighter and GVG is something one has to learn to use.

So should I not get a torch lighter for my GVG or not?

To avoid soot on the ceramic filter and heat up the bowl faster and to have a straight flame, yes.

If noob friends don't know how to blast off with a torch, they should probably get someone who knows how to heat the bowl to light up for them. Also one should practice long inhalation with empty bowl if one's a total newb.
Bill Cipher
#35 Posted : 10/2/2011 5:36:29 PM

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tomtomtom wrote:
What I am saying is if you are having trouble atm and want a quick fix then take the top off with the ceramic bowl then get a normal lighter and suck the flame down (only once the spice has melted) then immediately you will have thick white vapour on constantly flow. This will definitely blast you to hyperspace if enough is taken in and held long enough.

Or... just save yourself $95 and buy a $5 glass pipe at a gas station. Or... save the entire $100 and smoke out of a bored out apple. You should have similar results with all three methods.

da highlife - most definitely invest in a good, strong torch lighter. It makes all the difference in the world. The GVG takes some practice and trial and error to dial in the right technique. You need the right flame, the right amount of scrubber flattened in the right dimensions the right distance from the element, and the right intake. It can be frustrating not being able to get a satisfying hit off of it until you do, but once you get it and that first pre-measured dose flash boils all at once, delivering an airy lungful of delightfully tasty vapor and obliterating your ego before you know what's hit you, you'll see what all the fuss is about.
#36 Posted : 10/2/2011 6:12:05 PM

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Uncle Knucles wrote:
tomtomtom wrote:
What I am saying is if you are having trouble atm and want a quick fix then take the top off with the ceramic bowl then get a normal lighter and suck the flame down (only once the spice has melted) then immediately you will have thick white vapour on constantly flow. This will definitely blast you to hyperspace if enough is taken in and held long enough.

Or... just save yourself $95 and buy a $5 glass pipe at a gas station. Or... save the entire $100 and smoke out of a bored out apple. You should have similar results with all three methods.

da highlife - most definitely invest in a good, strong torch lighter. It makes all the difference in the world. The GVG takes some practice and trial and error to dial in the right technique. You need the right flame, the right amount of scrubber flattened in the right dimensions the right distance from the element, and the right intake. It can be frustrating not being able to get a satisfying hit off of it until you do, but once you get it and that first pre-measured dose flash boils all at once, delivering an airy lungful of delightfully tasty vapor and obliterating your ego before you know what's hit you, you'll see what all the fuss is about.

Yeah he should know about the ego death...his seems very balancedRolling eyes and it left him with some great jokes.
Like Eve, are we eating from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil
#37 Posted : 10/2/2011 7:17:26 PM

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tomtomtom wrote:
Take the top off completely once the spice has melted use a bic lighter hover it over the top and inhale. Watch the heavy vapour flllow.

That may have been me that posted that.. It does work almost everytime I attempt to blast off. The key I find is to take a screwdriver, wooden stick, or car key something that's only a few mm wide. Make an indent maybe a mm deep in the middle of the pad so that when the spice melts it doesn't just run to the walls of the gvg. It was a big issue I was having earlier this year. I made lots of Changa with those slightly wasteful learning processes. I also clean my pipe every two or three times I blast off now instead of letting it build up like the Op's pics. I honestly don't see myself buying a jet lighter anytime soon..
"I was going to make a machine, but after reading here in the Nexus, everyone makes it sound like trying to smoke spice without a VG is like trying to have sex without fully formed genitals..." -- Pup Tentacle.

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#38 Posted : 10/2/2011 8:21:07 PM

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BCBUDD777 wrote:
tomtomtom wrote:
Take the top off completely once the spice has melted use a bic lighter hover it over the top and inhale. Watch the heavy vapour flllow.

That may have been me that posted that.. It does work almost everytime I attempt to blast off. The key I find is to take a screwdriver, wooden stick, or car key something that's only a few mm wide. Make an indent maybe a mm deep in the middle of the pad so that when the spice melts it doesn't just run to the walls of the gvg. It was a big issue I was having earlier this year. I made lots of Changa with those slightly wasteful learning processes. I also clean my pipe every two or three times I blast off now instead of letting it build up like the Op's pics. I honestly don't see myself buying a jet lighter anytime soon..

yeah thanks it did help when my lighter broke to have an alternative way.

And to the other guy...really undeleting my post...wow
Like Eve, are we eating from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil
#39 Posted : 10/3/2011 4:54:21 PM
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gibran2 wrote:

2. As you start the last exhale, begin heating the GVG ceramic diffuser.

I didn't really get the meaning of this, could you please explain?
#40 Posted : 10/3/2011 5:23:17 PM

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AstraKhan wrote:
gibran2 wrote:

2. As you start the last exhale, begin heating the GVG ceramic diffuser.

I didn't really get the meaning of this, could you please explain?

Apply the torch flame to the ceramic diffuser before you start inhaling through the GVG. This will help to pre-heat the ceramic, so that when you do inhale, it won’t take quite as long to heat things up.
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