I recently just had a very interesting trip which I posted
here in which I had a very unusual conversation with what appeared to be hyperspace travellers. They were just as surprised as I was that we could communicate, and as I've been integrating this experience I was reminded of Robert Monroe's book Far Journeys. I've since re-read this work and as I was reading I was amazed at how close the psychedelic experience seems to be to this 'other world' that Robert adventures in. In fact, I wanted to share this one part in which Monroe talks about 'seekers' and the way they are described sounded so much like how a psychonaut precieves hyperspace that I just had to post it here for discussion:
"BB opened wide, sweeping focus on the stream of living forms. So many of them. Still, should be no problem finding AA. Wonder how Ed happened to get assigned to his job. Why him?
(Wasn’t assigned to it. There was a hole where the ED used to be on my time around, so I just jumped into it.) Ed was smooth and warming.
(Then there's this third type, the Last-Timers. They make one more recycle, uh, one more physical life as a human, and then they’re gone.)
BB turned. (Where do they go?)
Ed rolled. (I dunno. Home, I guess. They never show up back here. And, oh yeh.
There's this other type we call the Seekers. Don't get many of them, slippery as eels. Unstable, flick in and out.)
BB blanked. (As what? Slippery?)
(Never mind. Human stuff again.)
(Give me a rote and I'll run it.)
(Not worth it. Now, these Seekers, they’re different Near as I get it,
they come poking around here and they still got a physical human body over there, alive and kicking.)
(I didn’t have a percept you can do that. I thought everybody came back only after the physical body fell apart, wasn’t operational.)
(That's what I had until I got here as ED. Then I began to spot them.)
Does anybody else feel this is just about spot on to what were actually doing? I mean, we're ingesting these chemicals that alter our bodies in certain ways, but it's a temporary and uncontrolled thing. Especially when smoking DMT, we do 'pop' into this other world and then pop right back out. Anyone else have any thoughts on this? I'd be really interested in hearing other people's opinions on this and the rest of Robert Monroe's works.
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.