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"Do it now!" Moments Options
#1 Posted : 9/24/2011 8:08:47 PM

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We all know these moments: A little voice tells us to do something even though we ae kinda tired or afraid. Acting upon these impulses means schizophrenia for some and spontaneity for others. Fact is, life rewards us greatly for just doing it. This thread is a collection of successful attempts at acting upon ones impulses.

I was working on some scary ambient piece and requiered samples of a stream or waterdrops. I just took my bike and drove out of the city to a nearby canale. It was already dark, but what can happen? At the canale, i was locking my my bike, as i saw a man with half long hair and mutton chops (?) sitting on the steep slope above the stream saying no word. I would freak out and just grab my bike to drive away. As quickly as i could twitch, i was inside a forest, some neighbours kid talked about, because one of her friend was apparantly raped there. Then my bike lights would start to flicker and i'd hear strange noises....woaaaaahhhh.....

But then i finally arrived at another bridge over the canale and was able to record my samples.

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#2 Posted : 9/24/2011 8:52:16 PM

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Yes, you'll tend to find in life that usually when you REALLY need help, you'll mostly get it. I think this comes from either dead relatives or ark angels. I have many instances i was helped during my travels away from home. I cannot explain this, but i know it was something special. This is for sure.

-:idea: -Listen to that inner voice, trust your instincts. Trust in youself, and not the faked construct that life has programmed you to believe is "correct".. There are millions of superstars that are in dead end jobs, because they have been conditioned by life to believe that they are the same as other people, and shouldn't expect to live anything more than a mediocre life.......Rolling eyes
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#3 Posted : 9/24/2011 8:54:20 PM

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I do not understand what you are telling me Sad
#4 Posted : 9/24/2011 9:02:04 PM

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obliguhl wrote:
I do not understand what you are telling me Sad

--I'm trying to say, " yes, trust that inner voice- trust your gut....-Don't second guess.."

>>>>DO IT, NOW.Cool

"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#5 Posted : 9/24/2011 9:54:03 PM

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I didn't fully understand the post maybe the way it was put together idk, sorry.

Least there is one positive 420!!
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
— Terence McKenna

"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
#6 Posted : 9/25/2011 10:56:13 AM

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I didn't understand the OP. I get the thread topic, just not the story.
#7 Posted : 9/25/2011 11:25:03 AM

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I was making music and had to drive to a small lake or canale in the night to get some sound samples to use.
#8 Posted : 9/25/2011 1:24:10 PM

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It's not what we do in life, rather what we don't do, which we regret.

:idea: -"DO IT NOW", is a good philosophy to use when the mind is relaxed and at peace with the world. It means that you are acting proof that you have faith in the higher consciousness, and no inner doubts. You will find such moments to be magical and flowing, and they usually bring the right results... Tis the way we are meant to act. No thinking, just acting.

--The real test of a mans integrity with his true self and inner wisdom.....Wink
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#9 Posted : 9/25/2011 2:26:12 PM

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Here's a cool video I found. This kid talking about spontaneity, pretty much the subject of this thread.

He's not exactly a genius or a Ph.D. or anything, but I really liked his energy, and he was definitely onto something worthwhile:

#10 Posted : 9/25/2011 9:35:34 PM

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I read a book written by a Chinese Sifu. He said that the West suffers from too much thinking, and not spontanaeity. I think that this is the reason why there is so much stagnation in the West. Everything is indirect, slowed down. We are lost in thought, when we should just do things to be a true free expression of ourselves...

--Western society says that if you want to be able to eat and sleep and clothe yourself, that you have to do this through a job which may be totally disconnected. And that your basic human needs depend on the security of that job??!!.... no wonder there is stress and confusion in life.

--If you want to meet God, you must do it via a church or organised religion...??

--That you can only have the free time that your work allows you to have- even if the work you did has already satisfied your basic needs.

>>We are therefore enslaved by this society we function in. It has been created, and we must serve it to live a basic normal life. We cannot directly do what we wish, we cannot eat that fruit- someone owns that tree!?,we cannot eat that chicken- someone owns that chicken!?, etc..Since when did humans own this planet??/.. We have not only created a trap, but have to protect it, and live in it!!

>>>Enjoy the sense of freedom from your "do it now moments", because freedom is scarce and limited these days!!Surprised
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#11 Posted : 9/25/2011 10:21:34 PM

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^ Yes, I have had much the same thoughts! This is a fundamental flaw with Western society.

However, many good things came from the Western philosophy and culture, such as some of the most important advancements in science and technology.

We must strike a careful balance between Eastern and Western thought, and find the best in both worlds, I think.
#12 Posted : 9/25/2011 10:48:15 PM

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---Firstly, sorry ,Obli, if i've gone a bit off topic, and said too much. I just thought that this would make a helpful addition as this has also been on my mind too..Wink >>Interestingly enough, Applecore, after pushing myself hard in certain avenues such as philosophical thought and intense exercise, i realised that a simple natural life provides all the stimulation and requirements that us humans need for a healthy positive lifestyle.

--It's our thinking and analysing that has led us into trouble, and caused us to tie ourselves up in knots. Only after making our lives complicated, do we realise that simple was better. However Governments and authorities play with complexity in order to control its peoples, who have become blinded of the simple truth, and been tricked into hard labour.

--I wish we could cut the crap, and get simple again, leave the snobbery behind - and be humbled by life.

--That we could all stop trying to outdo each other, and just live in a way that allows everyone on this planet to live a fulfilling natural life, and not just a select few.

...>>Our freedoms are simple freedoms, where complication has no place. The truth is the truth, nature rules the roost- not us humans.

.....>>>Those "do it now moments" are sacred moments, when man reverts to his true natural self, before "thinking" became our new unnatural religion, and not a good one at that.

-Let us start that revolution of a simple truthful lifestyle, and just "DO IT NOW" Cool
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#13 Posted : 9/26/2011 8:54:50 AM


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the DO IT NOW has been saving my life many times for real
blessed be all forms of intelligence
#14 Posted : 9/26/2011 9:31:22 AM

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It's unnecessary posessions that hold us back, i believe. So I'm considering dumping as many posessions as possible, so i don't have them to think about, so i can be more able to "do it now".

--When i was travelling, i was flowing on a do it now mindset. Life was brilliant. There was no tv, no luxuries, just being outdoors interacting with people, and pure life. Perhaps it's being stuck indoors that robs us of our spontanaeity and edge??, and this causes us to stagnate and buy junk that keeps us stuck indoors even more. Trouble is everyone else is doing this, we are all at risk of losing that "do it now" ability.

--Maybe it's the television that is the culprit?? Well it may have started it, but now there's the internet, Ahrgghhhh!!!!

---Wake up, and smell the coffee, get out there and do it even more now..Before we forget we can do this.Shocked
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#15 Posted : 9/26/2011 9:53:21 AM

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I appreciate your contributions christian Smile
But please note that everyone is "enslaved" by their own culture...because this is what culture does. It entangles us in a framework of dos and donts.
Terence McKenna once said "Culture is not your friend", and I agree to the point, that fixation on culture is not healthy. Just like fixation on ego isn't (culture being a product of ego). In this sense, "Do it now!" moments are special, because they allow us to break through barriers we created ourselves....
#16 Posted : 9/26/2011 12:55:40 PM

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obliguhl wrote:
I appreciate your contributions christian Smile
But please note that everyone is "enslaved" by their own culture...because this is what culture does. It entangles us in a framework of dos and donts.
Terence McKenna once said "Culture is not your friend", and I agree to the point, that fixation on culture is not healthy. Just like fixation on ego isn't (culture being a product of ego). In this sense, "Do it now!" moments are special, because they allow us to break through barriers we created ourselves....

(>>Thanks for your appreciation, Obli, and i'm sorry if i've been hijacking this thread. I later realised that it was a bit rude of me to do so, and i apologise for that possibility )

>>100% agree with your points there, Obli Wink

-Terence McKenna's U tube video of "culture is not your friend" is excellent, as they all are. Yes, these "do it now!" moments are special, and also what we should all be doing. It's hard these days to find time for these moments when we are made to worry about consequences and laws, etc, though.

-Some would call these "do it now!" moments simply "self confidence", but this is more like "true self expression".

-We now have to ask ourselves this question: " are we do it now'ers, or are we shrinking violets ", it takes a certain understanding of life, and courage to do this. Razz

-:idea:-In fact, the whole aspect of "truly being a MAN", rests on your ability to ACT in that MOMENT, and just "Do it now!", the rest is insignificant junk. These "Do it now moments!", is the sole final reason, of why you are here on earth, and the whole point of all your struggles in life have been only for these moments. The rest is meaningless.

--May we all make the use of this "non tangible pot of gold"- that we all have the ability to make shine. It is ours, and belongs to no one else. We are more than simply the body, and thinker,- we also have the ability to imagine and CREATE realities that can manifest- if we allow them to do so. This class of experience belongs in hyperspace realm. This is true freedom, and it is truly "precious".

---We must break through our mental slavery, and not be afraid of our freedom!Cool
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
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