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Remember any child hood dreams? Options
#1 Posted : 9/24/2011 6:20:47 AM

Hyperspace Architect/Doctor

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Please if you remember any dreams you had when you were young please share.

A dream i wanted to share to see if there were any similar reports, was i used to have this dream all the time but it wasn't the same every time. but the setting played out in this big parking lot, i remember i was always just trying to get through the parking lot to the store, around me were vehicles filling all the spots and hundreds of people all running around shooting each other i believe this dream took place in some war, the dream always ended with me getting half way through the lot and getting shot by a gun, or cannon, being blown up by a grenade, and of course when this happened it just woke me up.

Don't have much of an idea about these dreams ^ around mid 90s but thinking of them now make me think that there was a lot of unrest with the thousands of lost souls during wars, and i feel they crept into my dreams, and maybe others.

Another dream i wanted to share was, One night during sleep i thought i had woken from a dream, i remember waking, sitting up in my bed, and my bed was surrounded by lit candles, and i then i remember my bed slightly lifting and shaking, what happened then i don't remember, whether i woke up, or went under my covers.

I hope my dreams were entertaining or interesting to anyone, i would love to hear any dreams that any other have.
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
— Terence McKenna

"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"

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#2 Posted : 9/24/2011 7:17:40 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I used to have a recurring dream with "Pinhead" in it, the character from Hell Raiser. I watched the movie when I was very young, perhaps eight or nine years old. I suffered from cluster headaches and severe migraines, and I would often lay in my bed at night in horrible pain, just trying to escape into sleep.

So this dream I had, I was in a building where the halls were laid out like a figure eight, and there were no doors to the outside. I would be chased by this frankenstein like character, he would slowly shuffle after me and I would easily stay ahead of him. But then I would open the doors into other rooms, and there would be torture equipment and people screaming in pain. And the dream always had me opening one of these doors, and Pinhead would be in there, and then I wouldn't be able to move or run. He would grab me and put me on a table and stick long metal pins in my head. Excruciating pain. It usually ended with him putting a needle into my eye, I would close my eyes in the dream, and that would wake me up. I'd feel the pain of my headache/migraine still, but it would also feel like the pins were still stuck in my head for a minute or so.

I was a very disturbed child Laughing

The dreams continued until I started to self-medicate with cannabis everyday to escape the dreams/nightmares.
olympus mon
#3 Posted : 9/24/2011 7:29:21 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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that's fascinating to me doc thanks for sharing those. i don't mean to speculate on your dreams but that first one sounded like it could be residual past life memory feedback.

im really glad you made this post and to be honest when i read the title i got a lump in my throat because of the power of the dream im about to share. first a real quick background. my childhood and self impression of that childhood were very odd,hmmm thats not really the right word. i dont know what to call it but imagine that from the earliest age i can remember i always thought that my parents weren't really mine. as if i was just placed with them for some reason.
the second thing i most distinctly remember was that i had a very strong sense of purpose yet i had no clue what that was nor could i really understand what i was feeling until about 10 or 11. i felt that something really big was awaiting me and i was in a hurry to leave my family and home for some reason even though i loved them very much at quite an early age. not many 10 year olds looking forward to leaving home even though my home life was quite acceptable.

the dream i had was when i was maybe 8 or 10 years old. i know i was pretty young. i dreamt i was in a very dark cavern with black volcanic rock like walls. the cave was extremely hot and the rock almost had a blood red tinge to its blackness. there was no light source anywhere yet i could see faintly. the echos of dripping water resonated through out the hot air and in the distance of the long cavernous corridor i saw a person sitting against the wall knees bent head down in his arms sobbing. i remember i felt so sad for this guy and wanted to hold him and help him. as i approached i put my hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner and he lifted his head and looked me in the eyes. ill never forget his face. i cant forget his face because ive grown into it. it was me as a child looking at my adult self in deep pain.

its been quite a trip to watch my self grow into that man. now at the age of 39 i feel very confident what this dream meant and why i had it. maybe ill share that at a later time but dont really want to hijack your thread doc.

much love
olympus mon
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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The Art of Changa. making the perfect blend.
#4 Posted : 9/24/2011 10:43:55 AM

Hyperspace Architect/Doctor

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^Wow well that sounds like a pretty damn trippy dream, i don't know what i would do if i had that dream, i don't even know how i can reply to that, except please don't feel deterred to share what ever you like, you have caught my interest i would love to hear more.

I have another dream i would like to share, one night i passed out in my living room, on the couch with my dog on the floor. I remember getting up and walking to the kitchen, when i got there the kitchen was a mess dishes and food from the day before, broken glasses on the counter, i remember reading the the stove clock and it said 1:01 am, i left the kitchen and went back to the living room and once i got to the living room for some reason i switched the light on and off repeatedly while i was screaming the F word repeatedly, i then went back to the couch and layed down, i woke up walked to the kitchen, it was 1:03 am and the kitchen was spotless.

Idk what the date was but my dog died not to long after on thanksgiving, idk if it could be related at all, but it was a very strange dream one that i don't think i will forget.

but that is all i have for now maybe i will have a crazy dream tonight, but Olympus please continue with what you had to share like i said i am now hooked in and would love to hear what you have to say.
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
— Terence McKenna

"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
#5 Posted : 9/24/2011 10:51:31 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Yes, please olympus tell us more Smile
To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour.
- William Blake
#6 Posted : 9/24/2011 2:51:31 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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My dream world has always been extremly active since i can remember and i've had a couple repetitive dreams that i still get.
im sitting curled up in this big purple chair and it kind of lifts off and i go up in the air and as im looking down i watch all this dreadful stuff happen like cities falling into holes or burning and funnel clouds coming out of nowhere and taking everything and i know and theres nothing i can do to save anyone. It doesn't happen very often anymore but when it does i still wake up feeling 8yr old and helpless.
#7 Posted : 9/24/2011 4:05:51 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Here are two that instantly come to mind:

When I was around six years old, I had a dream that I was outside at camp going down a slide. I was at the top of the slide when all of a sudden, I lost control of my motions. I was lifted in the air and taken down the slide as I found myself having somehow been brought into my parents bedroom. I was quite scared because no matter how much I fought the current, I was helplessly being taken wherever it was that this force was taking me. So I was brought through my parents bedroom, down the hall, through my bedroom and into my bathroom (there was a bathroom connected to my room) at which point I was violently spinning face-towards-the-floor over the toilet. I tried screaming for help, but no sound came out. Instead these archaic symbols looking like Chinese or something completely indecipherable was coming out and spinning down the toilet. I had never felt so helpless and I didn't know what to do. The dream ended soon after.

There was another dream that I had that I think probably took place when I was in kindergarten. I was dreaming that I was in the school gym with my mother and brother. The coaches were walking around, but I don't recall much interaction with them. For some reason even though we were on the gym floor, there were aisles and aisles of what looked like shampoo/hair products. My mom, my brother and I split up to go down different aisles. Down one of the aisles I saw a gigantic pirhana plant (was playing a lot of Super Mario World at the time Laughing ) It was drawing me in with its vines though I was managing to resist with a fair amount of struggle. My mom and brother became involved in the ordeal as I tried to save them. This struggle went on for what seemed to be a while when I finally realized that pirhana plants don't exist and that it was from a video game. It's kind of interesting to think that a kindergartener could employ such logic in a dream state, but I told myself I was gonna wake up on the count of 3 --- 1....2.......3 --- the next thing that happened wasn't quite that I woke up yet. I was flying down this long, purplish tunnel. I could see a faint light up ahead. As I continued to grow closer and closer to it, I realized that it wasn't a light, but rather it was my bedroom. The hole got bigger and bigger as I was able to make out more and more details of my bedroom. Just as I exited the tunnel into my bedroom, I woke up as my body automatically flung into an upright position, and surely enough as I looked around the room, it was from the same perspective and details as having viewed it from the hole. I doubt I'll ever forget that experience. Afterwards, I ended up regretting not flying around and doing whatever I pleased after realizing it was a dream.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
Spock's Brain
#8 Posted : 9/24/2011 11:19:03 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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im laying face up and I'm falling endlessly down the center of the interior of a tower. Encircling the interior of the tower is level, after level, endlessly I'm falling. Each concentric level has a bannister and a wall of doors. Some of the levels have a gorilla like guardian that walks circles around and around. Some of the doors are open, some closed. Behind each door is another world. I can never reach them, I just keep falling and falling.
"Infinite Diversity, in Infinite Combinations."
olympus mon
#9 Posted : 9/25/2011 12:39:16 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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olympus mon wrote:
that's fascinating to me doc thanks for sharing those. i don't mean to speculate on your dreams but that first one sounded like it could be residual past life memory feedback.

im really glad you made this post and to be honest when i read the title i got a lump in my throat because of the power of the dream im about to share. first a real quick background. my childhood and self impression of that childhood were very odd,hmmm thats not really the right word. i dont know what to call it but imagine that from the earliest age i can remember i always thought that my parents weren't really mine. as if i was just placed with them for some reason.
the second thing i most distinctly remember was that i had a very strong sense of purpose yet i had no clue what that was nor could i really understand what i was feeling until about 10 or 11. i felt that something really big was awaiting me and i was in a hurry to leave my family and home for some reason even though i loved them very much at quite an early age. not many 10 year olds looking forward to leaving home even though my home life was quite acceptable.

the dream i had was when i was maybe 8 or 10 years old. i know i was pretty young. i dreamt i was in a very dark cavern with black volcanic rock like walls. the cave was extremely hot and the rock almost had a blood red tinge to its blackness. there was no light source anywhere yet i could see faintly. the echos of dripping water resonated through out the hot air and in the distance of the long cavernous corridor i saw a person sitting against the wall knees bent head down in his arms sobbing. i remember i felt so sad for this guy and wanted to hold him and help him. as i approached i put my hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner and he lifted his head and looked me in the eyes. ill never forget his face. i cant forget his face because ive grown into it. it was me as a child looking at my adult self in deep pain.

its been quite a trip to watch my self grow into that man. now at the age of 39 i feel very confident what this dream meant and why i had it. maybe ill share that at a later time but dont really want to hijack your thread doc.

much love
olympus mon

i feel my interpretation of this childhood dream isn't exactly a mind blowing idea more of a personal one. for myself and many children of this world i grew up with abandonment issues. my father came out of the closet revealing he was homosexual to my mother ironically at the same time my mother became pregnant with me. he left her and my sister to peruse his calling of personal freedom. he was around for a couple years visiting us on weekends but when i turned 6 years old he moved across the country to live in laguna beach California. visits and phone calls were few and far between. to this day its hard to see a ups truck and not feel some emotion because every now and then my dad would send me a present delivered by those big brown trucks. i use to sit in front of the window for hours when i had a birthday or christmass time waiting for that truck to pull up with a gift from my daddy. often they never came.

we never established a relationship like he and my older sister had and i felt hurt by seeing his closeness and bond they shared. i felt very left out and discarded.
we only saw each other every couple years or so and when i was 15 he came back to Connecticut to inform us he had been diagnosed with late stage aids and had less than 6 months to live. i think he was in a lot of internal pain and didnt know what to do so he left us again and went to the high desert of new mexico to live his final days. he died just a few months after that last visit. in the hospital the week he died he asked my family to fly me out to see him one last time. unfortunately he died just hours before i was to leave for the airport.

i spent most of my life with a feeling of inadequacy and very self conscious. i hated myself because i internalized these emotions that how could i be of worth if my own father didnt even want to be with me. these negative feelings turned toxic and i struggled with addiction and self destructive behavior into my late twenty's.

what this dream was showing me was that i needed to love myself and how to accomplish that. i worked with this dream to find how to love myself and forgive myself. for me the best way to do this was to re live that dream and visualize myself as a child hugging and giving unconditional love to my older self. with the help of a therapist and my mother i did learn to love me and now as a grown man i can honestly say im a good person and deserving of others love because i too feel love for me myslef and i.

for what its worth people if you feel you struggle with self love, at night or with the help of altered states visualize your self from the second person and hug your self. visualize as much detail as you can. how your hair smells when you embrace you, the loving warm feeling of the hug and even kissing the forhead of the outside you. look into your eyes and say the words, "i love you and your deserving of all the love in the world. ive done this with lsd on occasion and its a very powerful exercise.

mirror work is also important. in a dark bathroom with a candle and a very clean mirror place your nose just inches from the mirror and look deep into your own eye's. eventually you will separate and be able to see your higher self within. you will see clearly that there is a special beautiful being of light and love inside us all. i enjoy doing this during the comedown of dmt. its been monumental in healing the hurt from the past.

i love you all because i can love me. there is no higher purpose.

I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
Troubles Breaking Through? Click here.
The Art of Changa. making the perfect blend.
#10 Posted : 9/25/2011 2:31:33 AM

Hyperspace Architect/Doctor

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olympus mon wrote:

mirror work is also important. in a dark bathroom with a candle and a very clean mirror place your nose just inches from the mirror and look deep into your own eye's. eventually you will separate and be able to see your higher self within. you will see clearly that there is a special beautiful being of light and love inside us all. i enjoy doing this during the comedown of dmt. its been monumental in healing the hurt from the past.

So i have never heard of this, i am one who loves playing in the mirror under the influence, sometimes i will go to the bathroom and get caught in a tangent with the mirror. lol

but anyways so you say "you will separate" separate from your body? like out of body.

I am the only one who doesn't know about this lol it sounds like something i wanna try, does it have to be spice?

and one last thing some say that mirrors are evil that they are portals, i can believe it, but it does not make me deterred from it.
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
— Terence McKenna

"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
#11 Posted : 9/25/2011 7:06:12 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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olympus mon wrote:
i feel my interpretation of this childhood dream isn't exactly a mind blowing idea more of a personal one. for myself and many children of this world i grew up with abandonment issues. my father came out of the closet revealing he was homosexual to my mother ironically at the same time my mother became pregnant with me. he left her and my sister to peruse his calling of personal freedom. he was around for a couple years visiting us on weekends but when i turned 6 years old he moved across the country to live in laguna beach California. visits and phone calls were few and far between. to this day its hard to see a ups truck and not feel some emotion because every now and then my dad would send me a present delivered by those big brown trucks. i use to sit in front of the window for hours when i had a birthday or christmass time waiting for that truck to pull up with a gift from my daddy. often they never came.

we never established a relationship like he and my older sister had and i felt hurt by seeing his closeness and bond they shared. i felt very left out and discarded.
we only saw each other every couple years or so and when i was 15 he came back to Connecticut to inform us he had been diagnosed with late stage aids and had less than 6 months to live. i think he was in a lot of internal pain and didnt know what to do so he left us again and went to the high desert of new mexico to live his final days. he died just a few months after that last visit. in the hospital the week he died he asked my family to fly me out to see him one last time. unfortunately he died just hours before i was to leave for the airport.

i spent most of my life with a feeling of inadequacy and very self conscious. i hated myself because i internalized these emotions that how could i be of worth if my own father didnt even want to be with me. these negative feelings turned toxic and i struggled with addiction and self destructive behavior into my late twenty's.

what this dream was showing me was that i needed to love myself and how to accomplish that. i worked with this dream to find how to love myself and forgive myself. for me the best way to do this was to re live that dream and visualize myself as a child hugging and giving unconditional love to my older self. with the help of a therapist and my mother i did learn to love me and now as a grown man i can honestly say im a good person and deserving of others love because i too feel love for me myslef and i.

for what its worth people if you feel you struggle with self love, at night or with the help of altered states visualize your self from the second person and hug your self. visualize as much detail as you can. how your hair smells when you embrace you, the loving warm feeling of the hug and even kissing the forhead of the outside you. look into your eyes and say the words, "i love you and your deserving of all the love in the world. ive done this with lsd on occasion and its a very powerful exercise.

mirror work is also important. in a dark bathroom with a candle and a very clean mirror place your nose just inches from the mirror and look deep into your own eye's. eventually you will separate and be able to see your higher self within. you will see clearly that there is a special beautiful being of light and love inside us all. i enjoy doing this during the comedown of dmt. its been monumental in healing the hurt from the past.

i love you all because i can love me. there is no higher purpose.

Very personal post, and I thank you for posting it. I have dealt with some of the same issues so this really struck a chord with me.
Ice House
#12 Posted : 10/4/2011 4:43:02 AM

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I have been meaning to respond to this thread for a while now

I have a re-occuring dream. I have had this dream since I was knee hi to a grass hopper. I remember it vividly. I dont know exactly when I had it last, except to say that it was recently. I'm sure I have had it hundreds of times over the past 47 years.

This dream often begins before I am fully asleep, kinda like a lucid dream, I guess.

So it goes like this

I lay down in bed on my back and I feel a little dizzy for a moment and then all of a sudden I know I am going to have the dream.... before it even happens.

The dream begins, it is in black and white. I see my legs as though I am sitting at a desk. I am looking down my legs, I see my thighs and feet. I am wearnig kahki colored slacks and black shoes. All of a sudden this view rushes up into my face and it becomes one demensional like a photo, but in my face. Then I hear a sound, a tone, a low frequency tone that invokes fear in me. The tone causes a fear of impending doom and then I no longer see my legs and feet. I now see grey noise or TV snow, you know like what you see on TV when you have no cable feed/connection. This is then followed by changes in the tone. The noise just gets more and more evil. and though I no longer see my legs and feet, I am still sitting. Off in the distance a dark shadow moves toward me and it stops at my feet and it hovers over me. I do not look up. I know my moment has come. Evil will have its way with me.
The end

I have had to live with this my entire life.

It fucking sucks having this dream.

I have only discussed this with one or two people in my life. Ever.

You asked.

Ice House is an alter ego. The threads, postings, replys, statements, stories, and private messages made by Ice House are 100% unadulterated Bull Shit. Every aspect of the Username Ice House is pure fiction. Any likeness to SWIM or any real person is purely coincidental. The creator of Ice House does not condone or participate in any illicit activity what so ever. The makebelieve character known as Ice House is owned and operated by SWIM and should not be used without SWIM's expressed written consent.
#13 Posted : 10/4/2011 4:56:38 AM

Hyperspace Architect/Doctor

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i don't know what to say about this dream ^ thank you for sharing btw, it sounds like a very bizarre dream i am sure it has to symbolize something that has happened to you in your life.
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
— Terence McKenna

"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
#14 Posted : 10/4/2011 5:11:00 AM

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Jung would have A LOT to say about that dream i'm sure. i always found his way of analyses useful, especially regarding the concept of the shadow

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
DMT Psychonaut
#15 Posted : 10/4/2011 7:41:22 AM

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First I would like to say thanks for creating this thread Doc Man Smile It's interesting to hear about everyone's dreams!

Next very nice post Olympus, quite and interesting dream and it was even more interesting that you shared your interpretation with us.

Now I will share my childhood dream.

This is probably the earliest dream I can remember, I was around 4 years of age and it was more like a nightmare for me at the time, because I remember awaking from it, and being in a panicked sweat, while breathing heavily. (Although, now I often laugh at the the thought of this dream ever being frieghtening)

Well I don't recall how it started off, but when I was this age I had a baby sitter that watched me and my younger sister while our parents were at work. In my dream I was walking through our house that we lived in at the time, and I was looking for the baby sitter because I was hungry and wanted her to make me something to eat. I couldn't find her anywhere, so I walk through the kitchen towards the basement thinking she may be down there doing laundry because that's where the washing machine was. So I get to the basement door at the end of the kitchen and start to go down stairs. When you open the door there is two steps that go down and then to the right is the side door to the house, and to the left the stairway continues down into the basement. I turned to my left and from the top of the stairs I can see the baby sitter just around the corner putting in laundry. So I start to march down there like I'm going to tell her to get me some food. Then I suddenly notice on the handrail about half-way down the staircase I see a pop-tart just sitting there balanced. I thought it was odd because the angle of the handrail and the fact that it's round and cylindrical shouldn't have allowed it to sit there, it would've slid off. Well I grab the pop tart and start to examine it to make sure there wasn't anything wrong with it. (I was thinking if somone already took a bite out of it I'm not eating it.) I turned it over and there was a tiny hole in the bottom. I thought, "that's strange?" and then suddenly a tiny spider crawls out of it. So I throw the pop tart and it lands at the bottom of the stairs. The spider crawls out but what is strange is that this spider has big bulging cartoon eyes (Only two of them) probalby just like this :arrow: Shocked
Each eye is probably twice the size of the spider itself and almost appears to be floating on over the spiders body. So this spider looks at me and it looks pissed. Then it starts to hop up the stairs leaping up one step at a time. I get scared and turn to run back up the stairs and into the kitchen and I turn and slam the basement door closed. I walk back to the other side of the kitchen where it meets the dinning room. I turn and look back and the little spider slips right under the the crack between the floor and the door. So now it's basically in a straight line across the kitchen looking right at me with these angry but cartoon-ish eyes. So I thought to myself "I don't need to be afraid, this thing is smaller than me, I'll just scare it away." So now I stomp my foot real hard in front of me. Then suddenly that spider grew to be about as large as me. I got really freightened then and quickly climbed on top of one of the dinning room chairs. That spider ran up next to me and I jumped down on the other side of the chair so it jumped up on the chair. I then proceeded to run to the other side of the chair and it followed and I would jump back up on the chair, at this point we continue to go in a circle (as if it were some kind of cliche cartoon antics) until the spider finally reaches up and grabs me, the chair starts to wobble, I start to fall over, Then awake.
(I feel like this dream is responsible for my mild arachnophobia Rolling eyes )

DoctorMantus wrote:

and one last thing some say that mirrors are evil that they are portals, i can believe it, but it does not make me deterred from it.

This reminds me of my first time using LSD, I spent probably around 2 hours in the bathroom mostly lookng in the mirror. I remember feeling like my reflection wasn't me, but rather through the mirror there existed a parallel universe inwhich we all had a higher version of ourselves, a smarter all-knowing version of each one of us. I stood there for awhile talking to my reflecting feeling like it was mocking me because it knew some great secret, and the way I felt on LSD was the way that they always felt in this mirror world. I would press my finger to the mirror pointing at my reflection rambling on like a mad man saying,"You have it don't, you!", "I want it, but you won't give it to me", "You won't let me in there".

All these thoughts,
words arranged in this message,
come from the Tao
and return to the Tao.
Yet they do not touch it.
Each of us will perceive the message,
Yet to each our own interpretation.

I'll see you when the river meets us
#16 Posted : 10/4/2011 8:17:40 AM

Hyperspace Architect/Doctor

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Hey thanks for sharing reading your dream actual brought back memory of another one of my dreams.

although it doesn't involve spiders, it took place in my kitchen and there was crabs every were, top of cabinets, counter top, floor, i remember them constantly running at me, one at a time, and i would squash everyone that came on. that is basically the dream.

i later reinterpreted that dream as me avoiding things in life, because crabs side step and avoid things.
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
— Terence McKenna

"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
DMT Psychonaut
#17 Posted : 10/4/2011 8:47:04 AM

Witness to Humanity

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DoctorMantus wrote:
Hey thanks for sharing reading your dream actual brought back memory of another one of my dreams.

although it doesn't involve spiders, it took place in my kitchen and there was crabs every were, top of cabinets, counter top, floor, i remember them constantly running at me, one at a time, and i would squash everyone that came on. that is basically the dream.

i later reinterpreted that dream as me avoiding things in life, because crabs side step and avoid things.

Crab Battle!


All these thoughts,
words arranged in this message,
come from the Tao
and return to the Tao.
Yet they do not touch it.
Each of us will perceive the message,
Yet to each our own interpretation.

I'll see you when the river meets us
#18 Posted : 10/4/2011 10:36:52 AM

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DMT Psychonaut wrote:
DoctorMantus wrote:
Hey thanks for sharing reading your dream actual brought back memory of another one of my dreams.

although it doesn't involve spiders, it took place in my kitchen and there was crabs every were, top of cabinets, counter top, floor, i remember them constantly running at me, one at a time, and i would squash everyone that came on. that is basically the dream.

i later reinterpreted that dream as me avoiding things in life, because crabs side step and avoid things.

Crab Battle!

lol what a strange video. did you just type crab battle? lol
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
— Terence McKenna

"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
#19 Posted : 10/4/2011 3:17:23 PM

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I used to have this recurring dream when I was very young, 5 or 6, which I later found out was a type of astral projection.

I used to dream of my house vividly, but when I would have this dream I was like a ghost. My mom would always be in the kitchen doing dishes, and I would try to have her pay attention to me and she would always just ignore me. My dad would be sitting in his chair next to the staircase (we had a sweet spiral staircase in my first house Smile) and he would always be reading the paper. I'd try to get him to pay attention to me also, but he would never put down the paper. I would climb all over him and he wouldn't notice me so eventually (and this would happen everytime) I would tell him 'look daddy I can fly!' and I would climb the spiral staircase and jump from the top onto where my dad was sitting below, except I would always hover about 6 inches from the top of his head for about 30 seconds before I would fall and the falling sensation would always wake me up in my bed!

I had forgotten about this and several other OBE I used to have at earlier ages. I've put this several places elsewhere, but at this stage in my life I was still very much an innocent child. Later, at roughly age 12, I was forced into worshipping the Christian god and when I would have dreams and experiences like this, I was under the impression that they were tricks of the devil. One night, I prayed as hard as I could that god would 'make it all go away' and since that day, I haven't had I haven't had any dreams like this one above, but I used to have them very regularly.

It wasn't until I was shown on a trip that these experiences and dreams are the norm and are sort of a seeing eyeglass into the other realm and my rejection of these things prompted me to fall further and further into deception.

Since this trip I'm talking about, there was one dream I've had where I was outside my grandmother's house and the thought came in the dream 'I can fly!' and all the nostalgia of my childhood recurring dream came back. I managed to levitate myself in the dream, above my grandmother's house, until I started falling again and woke up in my bed. Smile

I'd like to think I'm slowly getting back what I lost. Smile
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
Ice House
#20 Posted : 10/4/2011 6:23:31 PM

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universecannon wrote:
Jung would have A LOT to say about that dream i'm sure. i always found his way of analyses useful, especially regarding the concept of the shadow

Just curious as to what you think he would say?
Ice House is an alter ego. The threads, postings, replys, statements, stories, and private messages made by Ice House are 100% unadulterated Bull Shit. Every aspect of the Username Ice House is pure fiction. Any likeness to SWIM or any real person is purely coincidental. The creator of Ice House does not condone or participate in any illicit activity what so ever. The makebelieve character known as Ice House is owned and operated by SWIM and should not be used without SWIM's expressed written consent.
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