soilbiologist wrote:Good job with the linking the concepts of technology and singularity. In time technology will allow us to peer into ourselves and share that deeper intimacy with greater clarity. When we begin to do this globally we will see that we are all the same. We become more and more united as the more of us tend towards higher consciousness.
Good job in the gym.
Good job in the temple.
Your body is your middle path vehicle on this middle path earth.
Honor your body and you will come to resemble your true nature both physically and spiritually.
Thank you for your kind words of encouragement.
Last night was the first time SWIM smoked with the primary purpose of meditation alone. Normally SWIM has done so as an alternative to alcohol in order to relax. He tried to meditate naturaly the past few nights, but obviously he can't expect to accomplish Astral Project within the same week of discovering it. He has always heard about lucid dreams and OBEs but he didn't know you could actually do it at will until he started doing research earlier this week.
Even if he isn't using DMT as of yet, some how he ended up on this forum for a reason. Maybe the potpouri spice shit doesn't have DMT in it, but he is entering a very enlightening period of his life regardless of the substance used. Maybe he has put it off for so long that God has choosen to speed up the process due to the impending doom that lurks over us? It seems that many people use DMT for spiritual enlightenment, so hopefully they can interpret last night's events so as to confirm that he is in fact not crazy.
First, know that alcohol is the extent of his drug experience due to his military career that he left behind recently. So, maybe he was just high and this is nothing more than that or being "high" is really the same state of being as that induced naturally via meditation alone. He read that during Strassman's studies, he gave DMT to a monk and they later confirmed that it allowed them to achieve what they have been doing through meditation all along. (SWIM found this interesting.)
Also note that I'm a divorced 32 year old male without children who's parents are both deceased. I may not have family responsibilities, but I have a few mortgages so whatever I do recreationally will not take presedent over those obligations. I'm very humble when it comes to my intelligence. When complimented about it, I usually down play it. From my perspective, my brain deduces information in a logical manner. I usually tell people that I'm left handed (right brained) but honestly I'm boarder line ambidextrous. I write left handed, play sports right handed, but I generally am just good with either, which means I'm using both halfs of my brain more often than most. I have an IQ of 125 (give or take) so I am not quite genius, and I guess I'm mentioning all this in hopes that it will better help you assess last nights events.
A female friend of mine, who is a Registered Nurse, had her first OBE at the age of 8 during a car accident, understands and supports what I'm trying to do spritualy, but admits she isn't strong enough to attempt this as well. She also made a valuable mental health assesment after last night's events, even though I failed to leave out a major detail which SWIM will mention later; Like most mothers taking the advice of school teachers and pharmaceutical drug dealers (aka Doctors), my mother put me on ritalin at the age of 12. My friend speculates, that had my mom not done so, "... you would have been 10 times smarter than you are. People with that level of intelligence have a difficult time dealing with it. And more than likely you would have become schizophrenic by now." She also said that, "Even though your biological father may have suffered from schizophrenia, it would have started to show symptoms by now."
Without further ado, SWIM used a product called Zombie: Twilight last night around 1130pm. SWIM took a hit and the onset occurred within 10 seconds. Within a few minutes SWIM noticed that "Zombie" sounds sort of like "DMT," not really but close. I mean if it is a class1 narc, he wants to know how it could be packaged in something labeled, "not for human consumption?" Not saying it has it, but he says this is a spiritual experience, at least for him, as well.
So SWIM immediately layed down and began to attempt to meditate. His breathing was relatively normal, but his resting heart rate was at least 100bpm. He was speculating of course; it could have been much more. It was pounding loudly. SWIM doesn't know if he was just imagining (hallucinating) the pre-symptoms of Astral Projection but he felt vibrations that began to peel a layer of energy away from him starting at his feet, up his legs, but it never passed his hands and lower abdomen. He felt a tingling sensation all throughout his body especially his lips. The energy was permiating from his flesh. As his core temperature rose, probably due to the accelerated heart rate, SWIM could feel his chest rising, but SWIM didn't start to feel light and floaty. Then the fear began to set in. All day he was without fear, awaiting his next attempt at astral projection. He didn't feel very much in danger at first, even though it did feel very similar to SWIM's first trip when it felt like his soul was being yanked from his body. It just didn't reach that point yet. He remembered reading that he he should try to amplify the high pitched ringing sound and at which point he started to receive and respond to telepathic messages. He could vaugely see the outline a transparent figure hovering near the ceiling at the foot of his bed. Transparent like a hot road in the distance. They were trying to convince him to come with them and at first he wanted to. Soon he began to fear that he wouldn't return and his room mate, co workers, employer would wonder where he went if he didn't return that night. He wanted to be reassured that he would return. But ultimately he really just wanted to talk to his brother one more time. He became paranoid as to what his friend told him about how the Devil works in mysterious ways as well. What if the devil only provided links to sources that made him think this was astral projection when in fact it was really death. Swim doesn't believe in the devil per se, just negative energy that counters that of God, but his friend's words echoed during this process.
So he is going back and forth with this force telepathically. They attempt to convince him by showing him how he is needed to save the rest of the world. It conveyed the importance of his mission, which was to deliver this message:
"Our global society is headed down a path of self-destruction. We are about to pass a fork in the road at which we will not be able to deviate from. Much like a river being redirected, it takes a large amount of energy to do so. We will not have the ability to redirect and prevent our demise once we move beyond this particular point in time. They conveyed the importance of an approximate 1 month's time to do so." At this point SWIM felt an overwhelming sense of burden. This was the moment when the telepathic emotions felt the strongest. They emphasized that greed, envy, negativity is draining Earth of it's natural resources, which it needs to maintain a very sensitive equilibrium.
This is where SWIM began to panic. What they said didn't convince him to go see what they had to show him. Using his phone, he began to document this information by expressing his concern (including the major detail he failed to tell his friend) that he
"would be gone for 3 days, and come back to save man kind." He attempted to stall by playing it back. He professed to them that he has been selfish most of his life and doesn't deserve what they were willing to show him. Telepathically they conveyed that his recent desire to inspire others to become healthy was enough. SWIM had proved that he was indeed worthy because he had inspired so many people around him to lose weight and begin eating properly. Which was very unselfish and loving on his part. Finally he relaxed and verbalize that they could take him and he would not resist. The sound and vibrations got louder at this point but the energy layer still wouldn't peel back all the way allowing him to drift into hyperspace. He began to weep and tried to tug upwards on an imaginary rope to help them but it wasn't working. He didn't know what to do to make the journey easier. Maybe he had resisted too long and missed the Astral window of opportunity.
So, SWIM doesn't believe he has a Messiah-Complex. He has never compared himself to Jesus, though during his third trip he had referred to himself as a messiah. I think messenger is a better word. The burden of pain and suffering, from what I heard resembles that of a DMT trip, but I do not know for certain. He wants nothing to do with this daunting task altogether. He feels that the only way to coarse correct is to allow the world, as we know it, to collapse. And I see his point, sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before you can begin to see the error of your ways. But honestly, why should the entire world be punished based on the actions of few.
I hope you can provide some insightful information on SWIM's recent experience. He's a little nervous about attempting this again unless he uses traditional meditation to achieve it. Unfortunately, I don't believe we have enough time for him to do so.
Swim isn't trying to make any predictions, he learned his lesson last NFL season ;-) he's just telling you what was conveyed to him. :-(