hey teo, at first it was very hard to convince some teacher to be my tutor because nobody had any clue about the subject, and you know how people react to the mention of (currently illegal) drugs. The teachers also feared I would be glorifying the substances unrealistically, and didnt want to have their names attached to it.
But I found one teacher who was a more open minded person, doing some work in a more spiritual-related area, and she asked me to make a first draft and show her before she decided. So I made one, with as many scientific quotes and extensive bibliography as possible and in a reasonable tone, and she thought it was good.
In the process of writting I contacted some psychedelic authors. Charles Grob very kindly send me a copy of the chapter he wrote for
a book that was still unpublished at the time, also with some suggested bibliography, I was very happily surprised with that.
At the end I actually got a 10/10 from all the 3 people in the correcting board, so I was very happy, specially because it is a very traditional university and was the first work to touch such subject in any of the departments