i just see this as one of those issues "society" wants you to care about, wants you to think it's wrong/bad/immoral/illegal (i should probably put illegal before immoral since society dictates that doing something that is against the law is far worse than doing something immoral), you know, media dictates right and wrong, media = big business, piracy = less profits for big business, so media says piracy is wrong, so public opinion = piracy is wrong.
there are infinitely more important things to care about than piracy, if society wasn't so greedy and cruel, then you know, perhaps there wouldn't be a need for money, perhaps no one would live in poverty, perhaps everyone would have access to free healthcare, free food and water, and free information, all free, piracy wouldn't exist because everything is free and there is no greed.
instead of putting a lot of your energy into caring about this non-issue, why not instead put it into something much more productive and actually relevant to society, the world (the war on personal freedom aka drug prohibition or any prohibition, wars with guns and bombs ie iraq etc, the evil doings of big business, wasting away our world, plants and animals alike), there are so many more relevant things to care about.
have you ever heard the term "reap what you sow"? well this is exactly what piracy is, big business created piracy, piracy is a good thing, piracy is moral, piracy is just, everyone should partake in piracy, piracy is the future.
if you could look at society as a whole, the world as a whole, look at it all as one, you would see piracy is a non-issue, and you know theft isn't immoral either in many contexts (a poor man stealing food from a rich man), and if you cant agree with that, then i feel that you are delusional.
yet many people will see this as wrong, and then they'll defend big business for legally stealing billions of dollars from the lower classes, and these people are called "the honourable" they are treated with respect, because society has been brainwashed (or behaviourally conditioned) into believing certain things are right and wrong.
entheogens teach us many things, and one of those things is reading between and also beyond the lines, our alcoholic, food addicted, tv addicted, pharma-addicted society is bread to only read the lines, and those lines say that piracy is wrong, and there's nothing wrong with going to war, there's nothing wrong with deforestation, you dont have to think about it, big business knows best, relax, go to sleep.
i would imagine people like shulgin who the OP has cited, but many others who have an interest in entheogens and the like, would have an overwhelming sense of fulfilment to know their work has reached so many people.
after reading as many posts in this thread as i could take, i became extremely impatient with the OP's rehashed bile, the world is changing every day, and there is no place for being conservative, this is how species become extinct.
please wake up.
i am proud to say that i partake in frequent piracy, and if you do it, you should be proud too.
my name, is nobody.
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