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Alien abductions! Options
#1 Posted : 9/19/2011 6:51:47 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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So i saw the movie "the fouth kind" yesterday and got really freaked out, they claimed that it was based on an actual events which google debunked for me afte the movie.

Anyhow i didnt know it was bogus while watching it and it was very scary for me, since being abducted by aliens is probably my biggest fear lolLaughing

Personally i don´t know what to believe about stuff like this, alot of people claim they have been taken and honestly the lack of evidence doesnt surprise me, i mean if aliens have the tech to get here then they can probably do stuff like this without anyone noticing and erasse memories etc.


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#2 Posted : 9/19/2011 7:36:28 PM

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Yeah, that was a pretty good movie. If I hadn't actually seen a UFO as a child seeing that movie would convince me they exist.

I used to stare into the sky for years after the first (and only) time I saw a UFO. I don't know why but I always yearned to have some kind of "contact" with them.

It wasn't unitl years later that I learned if I REALLY want to make contact I should have been looking in the opposite direction.

Instead of looking outwards to the sky I should have turned my focus inwards into the deep center of my mind. It was then and only then that I actually had an alien abduction.

It was an abduction of my consciousness through the use of DMT but it was an abduction none the less. I actually wrote a trip report about it here on the nexus once here----> https://www.dmt-nexus.me...;t=18079&find=unread

It was one of my first posts. To this day that trip remains the most spiritual experience I ever had on DMT. Mainly due to the clarity of how it all happened. I was lucid through the whole experience and remembered all of it.

I still think to this day that maybe aliens have left ways for us to connect with them all over this planet in the forms of natural plants and fungus.

Either that or I've completely lost my mind.... which is possible too! Smile
#3 Posted : 9/19/2011 9:43:26 PM

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SHroomtroll wrote:

Anyhow i didnt know it was bogus while watching it and it was very scary for me, since being abducted by aliens is probably my biggest fear lolLaughing


Personally I wouldn't mind hanging out with aliens, at least for a whileWink Laughing
#4 Posted : 9/19/2011 11:01:57 PM

Hyperspace Architect/Doctor

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saw that movie it was good, but i was unsure of some of the footage whether it was real or exaggerated, i feel if aliens were or do visit they only come with good intentions and just want to help.
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
— Terence McKenna

"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
#5 Posted : 9/19/2011 11:03:05 PM

Hyperspace Architect/Doctor

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oh and Dream walker i like your avatar long live the mantis it seems like i see those guys all over the place.
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
— Terence McKenna

"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
#6 Posted : 9/20/2011 12:42:28 AM

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DoctorMantus wrote:
saw that movie it was good, but i was unsure of some of the footage whether it was real or exaggerated, i feel if aliens were or do visit they only come with good intentions and just want to help.

Well, if there are super advanced civilizations out there I wouldn't be surprised if there were aliens with both good and bad intentions.

In a sense humans are alien to any other life form from another planet. Most of us are good and if we made contact it would be in a civilized way. However, there are evil people too who would kill first, abduct the aliens, dissect them and steal there technology if they had the chance.

There's always a chance there are rogue "space pirates" out there with there own intentions.
Anything is possible!

People have gone missing since the beginning of time. Sure most of them were murdered but there are millions of unsolved cases... They could be in a zoo in another galaxy somewhere. who knows?!

Oh, thanks for the compliment on my avatar! Cool

Gonna cut this post short cause I just noticed an owl in my window looking at me..... Maybe I should check it out! Wink
#7 Posted : 9/20/2011 3:37:35 PM

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tele wrote:
SHroomtroll wrote:

Anyhow i didnt know it was bogus while watching it and it was very scary for me, since being abducted by aliens is probably my biggest fear lolLaughing


Personally I wouldn't mind hanging out with aliens, at least for a whileWink Laughing

I wouldn't mind hanging out with aliens...from the safety from behind the DMT veil Laughing
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#8 Posted : 9/21/2011 9:08:55 AM

DMT-Nexus member


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Sometimes even from behind the veil is a bit overwhelming! Shocked
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