After cruising these boards on and off for some time I have decided to join this community proper. I guess my reasons for wanting to partake in all this community has to offer has something to do with a renewed intrest to explore my own conciousness and what lies beyond the normal scope and bredth of the human experience, but I digress. I figure that I should briefly introduce myself so that you may get some idea of who I am and how I came to be here.
I guess I have always been slightly left field compared to my peers, this I would have to say is mainly charecterised by my intrest in esoteric concepts such as "the occult" (I don't like using that term as i feel due to misconceptions perpetuated by the media can have damaging connoctations, but for lack of a better vocabulary it will have to do). This includes subjects such as astral projection and wicca etc. While if have dabbled perhaps somewhat misguidedly in astral projection some time ago, I am not trying to paint myself to be some kind of mystic guru or knowledgable scholer on such subjects, I am merely trying to explain where my desire to understand what lies beyond the mundane stems from (As I type this I realise that while a true understanding of what lies beyond normal human conciousness, I belive that it is a desire that many of us share. That is to better understand our place within the universe and to have the tools at our disposal to be able to achieve this goal).
Probably the one thing that drew me here was as a result of having read "DMT: The Spirit Molecule" by Rick Straussman. Now I'm sure the most if not everyone here has read this book, and as much as the author presented well researched scientific evidence along with his own hypothesis regarnding the nature of this substance. The thing that really grabbed me with the book was the accounts of peoples experiences with this chemical, this is what drove me to the internet in search of more experience reports, which in turn lead me here. I feel the main thing that has drawn me in about this community is the level of maturity and the true desire of the inhabitants to provided honest and helpful advice to their fellow inhabitants. Also having been a member of other web communities before there is always been a certain level of drama between members that has invariably led me to leave in time, however that is one thing that seems to be absent here, which further goes to prove the maturity and general good nature of the people who visit this site on a regular basis.
I should say that SWIM is very intrested in experiencing what DMT has to offer with regards to exploring their conciousness, but feels they are not ready for that trip yet. They are all too aware from other peoples reports that DMT will kick your arse if you are not ready for it, and they are going with their intuition on this one and wisely so they hope.
The main reason for this is is they have not yet had what could truly be called a psychadelic experience. SWIM smokes cannabis on occasion not what could be called regularly, and finds they are quite sensitive to it when compared to the people they know who smoke regularly, this is probably due to the fact they haven't built up a tolerence due to long term heavy use. Also once SWIM tried some 4-HO-MiPT, they however didn't experience anything beyond a slight unrestful feeling which was probably due to, too low a dose, although he can't say for certain as the dose was not properly measured an just split with a FOAF. Lastly SWIM tried somee Ketamine once, however they found the experience unpleasent and concluded that it was something that had no clear benifit that they could see.
On the subject, SWIM has recently ordered some Elemi Extract, after hearing some intresting things and thinking this might be a good place to start with psychadelic experiences. They were however unable to find any diffinitive info on dosage or administrion methods and would be very appreciative of any help or advice on this subject.
Many thanks again for this community existing, I realise that introductions should be short so I apolagise for the length.
Twirling round with this familiar parabole.
Spinning, weaving round each new experience.
Recognize this as a holy gift and
celebrate this chance to be alive and breathing,
this chance to be alive and breathing. [Parabola - Tool]